华佗再造丸 ( huatuozaizaowan ) 华佗再造丸《中国药典》 主治:活血化瘀,化痰通络,行气止痛。用于瘀血或痰湿闭阻经络之中风瘫痪,拘挛麻木,口眼歪斜,言语不清。 用法用量:口服,一次4~8g,一日2~3次;重症一次8~16g;或遵医嘱。 禁忌:孕妇忌服。
huatuozaizaowan 华佗再造丸华佗再造丸组成华佗再造丸的功效与作用本品为川芎、吴茱萸、冰片等药味经加工制成的浓缩水蜜丸。有活血化瘀,化痰通络,行气止痛的功效。 华佗再造丸主治主治痰瘀阻络之中风恢复期和后遗症,症见半身不遂、拘挛麻木、口眼?斜、言语不清。 华佗再造丸用量用法性状:本品为黑色的浓缩水蜜丸...
huatuo-zaizao-pills网络华佗再造丸网络释义 1. 华佗再造丸 07.方剂学 ... 冰硼散 bingpeng powder; bingpeng san 华佗再造丸 huatuo zaizao pills;huatuo zaizao wan ... www.cttcm.com.cn|基于4个网页© 2025 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
华佗再造丸 华佗再造丸 拼音名:Huatuo Zaizao Wan 英文名: 书页号:2000年版一部-451 本品为川芎、吴茱萸、冰片等药味经加工制成的浓缩水蜜丸。 【性状】 本品为黑色的浓缩水蜜丸;气香,味苦。 【鉴别】 (1) 取本品8g,研碎,加乙醚50ml,置水浴上加热回流1 小时,滤过, 滤液挥干,残渣加醋酸乙酯2ml 使溶解...
网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 地图 更多 huatuo-zaizao-pill 例句 释义: 全部 更多例句筛选 1. Progress in pharmacological and clinical studies on HUATUO ZAIZAO PILL 华佗再造丸药理和临床应用研究进展 www.ilib.cn© 2024 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
The Huatuo Zaizao pill (HT) is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that has been used clinically for many years in China, mainly for post-stroke rehabilitation and cognitive decline; however, the mechanism of cognitive function is not clear. In this study, we investigated the effect of HT ...
0.581%and 0.609%,0.478%and 0.459%,respectively.In Huatuo Zaizao pill,the contents of two ingredients were 0.1123mg.g-1 and 0.0981 mg.g-1,respectively.CONCLUSION:This method is accurate,convenient and sensitive.It is satisfactory for the quality control of Evodia rutaecarpa and its preparations. ...
官方标题 Investigation of Huatuo Zaizao Pill in Treating Phlegm and Blood-stasis Blocking Collaterals Pattern of Ischemic Stroke Patients: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial 时间视角 (Time Perspective) 盲法(masking) Single(Outcomes Assessor) 试验开始日期 2021-06-01 主要试验完成日期 2024...
Huatuo Zaizao pill (HT), a traditional Chinese medicine, has been used clinically in China to promote the rehabilitation after stroke, but the underlying mechanism of action was still unclear. This study is to investigate the effects of HT on the functional recovery in a rat model of cerebral...