近日,澳大利亚蒙纳士大学Huanting Wang团队开发了一种使用聚酰胺(PA)作为基质的基于手性多孔有机笼(CC3-R)的对映选择性薄层复合膜的制备方法,其中完全有机且可溶于溶剂的笼状晶体与聚合物支架具有良好的相容性。层级化的CC3-R通道由手性选择窗口和内部腔体组成,这有利于手性解析和对映体的渗透;CC3-R/PA复合膜对...
huanting wang monash university, australia dr huanting wang is an australian research council (arc) australian laureate fellow and a sir john monash distinguished professor in the department of chemical and biological engineering, and vice-president (research) of monash suzhou at monash university. ...
Prof Huanting Wang is an ARC Australian Laureate Fellow in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, the Director of the ARC Research Hub for Energy-efficient Separation (2022-) and Vice-President (Research), Monash Suzhou. Originally qualified in material science and engineering at the...
沪江在线词典网为您精选往渚还汀的意思及读音、往渚还汀是什么意思、反义词、近义词等信息,由一拖鞋飞死你于2012年8月17日添加。 读音:wǎng zhǔ huán tīng 注音:ㄨㄤˇㄓㄨˇㄏㄨㄢˊㄊㄧㄥ 基本解释: 详细解释词语解释wǎng zhǔ huán tīng ㄨㄤˇㄓㄨˇㄏㄨㄢˊㄊㄧㄥ ...
ZHAO Huanting; 赵焕庭; WANG Lirong; 王丽荣; 作者单位 中国地理学会海洋地理专业委员会; 中国第四纪科学研究会海岸海洋专业委员会; 南京大学海岸与海岛开发教育部重; 会议组织 正文语种 原文格式 PDF 中图分类 海底地貌; 关键词 珊瑚礁; 资源开发; 生态保护; 可持续利用; 入库时间 2022-08-17 10:...
成语往渚还汀的意思:指往返都须渡水。往渚还汀的读音:wǎng zhǔ huán tīng,还包括往渚还汀造句、故事、解释、出处等详细信息查询;
词语:往渚还汀 拼音: wǎng zhǔ huán tīng 注音: ㄨㄤˇㄓㄨˇㄏㄨㄢˊㄊㄧㄥ 引证解释: 谓往返都须渡水。 南朝 宋 谢灵运 《山居赋》:“其居也,左湖右江,往渚还汀。”自注:“往渚还汀,谓四面有水。” 相关词语:往渚还汀 相关成语:往渚还汀 ...
成语拼音 wǎng zhǔ hái tīng 成语解释 谓往返都须渡水。 相关成语 往 渚 还 汀 往字开头的成语 往渚还汀 往蹇来连 往返徒劳 往古来今 第2个字是渚的成语 往渚还汀 第3个字是还的成语 返老还童 借尸还魂 买椟还珠 讨价还价 以牙还牙 以眼还眼 衣锦还乡 汀字结尾的成语 往渚还汀 成语...
huanting wang monash university, australia dr huanting wang is an australian research council (arc) australian laureate fellow and a sir john monash distinguished professor in the department of chemical and biological engineering, and vice-president (research) of monash suzhou at monash university. ...
huanting wang monash university, australia dr huanting wang is an australian research council (arc) australian laureate fellow and a sir john monash distinguished professor in the department of chemical and biological engineering, and vice-president (research) of monash suzhou at monash university. ...