天津市第十六届人民代表大会常务委员会第三十二次会议15日通过决议,决定罢免黄兴国的第十二届全国人民代表大会代表职务,并报送全国人民代表大会常务委员会备案、公告。 黄兴国是十八大以来首个落马的直辖市市长,也是十八大之后天津被查落马的第三名省级高官。10日晚,天津市委连夜召开常委会议和全市领导干部会议,通报中央...
黄兴国 男/ 演员 详细介绍: 别名:未知 外文名:未知 性别:男 国籍:未知 身高:未知 体重:未知 民族:未知 星座:未知 血型:未知 出生日期:未知 出生地区:未知 职业:演员 毕业院校:未知 经纪公司:未知 详细介绍:详情
今天,天津市委原代理书记、原市长黄兴国涉嫌受贿案在石家庄中院一审公开开庭。 记者注意到,旁听庭审的共有60多人,分别是人大代表、政协委员、新闻记者及各界群众。换句话说,黄兴国的家属没有坐在旁听席。 此外,类似的情形还出现在李春城、张越、吴天君等人身上。而依据刑诉法,除不公开审理的案件,家属都可以旁听。 1...
Huang Xingguo HUANG Xingguo, former acting Party chief and mayor of Tianjin Municipality, is under investigation on suspicion of accepting bribes, the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) announced on Sunday. The SPP said Huang has been placed under "coercive measures," which may include summons...
民主生活会/组织生活会党员谈心谈话记录范文(1)谈话人:A谈话对象:B谈话时间:xx年xx月xx日谈话地点:xx办公室谈话主题:理论学习、工作作风谈话内容:A:xx同志,根据民主生活会的相关安排,今天我们两个进行谈心谈话,首先请你谈一下一年来在理论学习、工作方面有什么认识和体会。B:一年来,我根据局 添加收藏 立即下载...
Huang Xingguo, deputy secretary of the municipal Party committee and mayor of the city, hosted a symposium on deepening the state-owned "a href=" http://www.sjfzxm.com/pioneer/ "enterprise reform" /a on the afternoon of 14, in the city SASAC.Huang Xingguo stressed that we should thorough...
BEIJING, Jan. 4 (Xinhua) -- Huang Xingguo, former acting Party chief and mayor of Tianjin Municipality, has been expelled from the Communist Party of China (CPC) and dismissed from public office, the Party discipline agency said Wednesday. ...
Huang Xingguo:Address at the Opening Ceremony of the Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2008 Distinguished Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab, Dear guests, ladies and gentlemen, Good afternoon! The Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2008 opened today. The central government ofChinahas attached great ...