Zhong Zhaozhan, Li Kehuang, 1996. A primary study on the climatic boundary effect of the transitional region between Qinling Mountains and Huanghuai Plain.Geographical Research, 15(4): 66–73. (in Chinese) About this Article Title The features of physical geography in the transitional region...
In the windward slope of mountainous below the biggest precipitation,the height distributional law of soil material leaching is that the soil material leaching goes from strength to weakness along with the height reduces.However,in the transitional region of Qinling mountains and Huang-Huai plain,the...
Zircon U-Pb ages of granites at Changba and Huangzhuguan in western Qinling and implications for source nature[J] . TianGang Wang,Pei Ni,WeiDong Sun,KuiDong Zhao,XuDong Wang.Chinese Science Bulletin . 2011 (7)Wang TG,Ni P,Sun WD,Zhao KD and Wang XD. Zircon U-Pb ages of granites at...
狭义上的秦岭,仅限于陕西省南部、渭河与汉江之间的山地,东以灞河与丹江河谷为界,西止于嘉陵江。而广义上的秦岭,是横贯中国中部的东西走向山脉。西起甘肃省临潭县北部的白石山,向东经天水南部的麦积山进入陕西。由于秦岭南 赞分享 Related products 中国陕西西安大雁塔北广场喷泉与后面的大雁塔 ¥55 ...
秦岭黄芪 中文秦岭黄芪 英文【医】 Astragalus henryi
2) the transitional region from Qinling mountain to the Huanghuai plain 秦岭与黄淮平原交界带3) the transitional region between the Qinling Mountains and the Huanghuai Plain 秦岭黄淮平原交界带4) the juncture of Qinling-Huanghuai 秦淮交界带...
1)the transitional region of Qinling mountains and Huang-Huai plain秦岭-黄淮平原交界带 英文短句/例句 1.The Reducing Effects of River Runoff and Its Driving Factors in the Joint Zone between Qinling Mountains and Huanghuai Plain;秦岭-黄淮平原交界带河流减水效应及其驱动因子分析 ...
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