Shanghai area/telephone code is 21. Zip code of local districts of Huangpu, Xuhui, Jing'an, Zhabei, Yangpu, Putuo and Hongkou is 200000; Pudong New Area has zip code as 200120; and Baoshan district's zip code is 201900. The search tools of China Area Cod
328 EAST NANJING ROAD, HUANGPU DISTRICT City SHANGHAI Region CN-SH (CN-SH) Postal Code 200001 Country China (CN) Entities in the same postal code Entity NameBusiness AddressRegistration 苏州礼康股权投资中心(有限合伙) · Suzhou Likang Equity Investment Centre (Lp) Room 2909-17, Infinitus ...
Headquarters AddressRoom 05, No. 18, Xizang Middle Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, Nominal Floor 18 (Actual Floor 16) CityShanghai RegionCN-SH (CN-SH) Postal Code200001 CountryChina (CN) Entities in the same postal code Entity NameBusiness AddressRegistration ...
No 99 Huangpu Road Hongkou District CityShanghai RegionCN-SH (CN-SH) Postal Code200080 CountryChina (CN) Entities in the same postal code Entity NameBusiness AddressRegistration 上海市数字证书认证中心有限公司 ·Shanghai Electronic Certification Authority Co., Ltd.四川北路1717号嘉杰国际大厦18楼, 虹...