如果你刚吃完一顿饭,再吃一个完整的馅饼会有些困难。 2、This is a simple method for making a pie crust.这是做馅饼皮的简单方法。 3、If you have a "sweet tooth," you might even think of apple pie or chocolate chip cookies.如果你是好吃甜食的人,你可能会想到苹果派或巧克力片饼干。 4、I...
We tried the chocolate and can’t lie: this was not a good-tasting shake. We had super high hopes, but as the world has told us for decades, beauty is pain. And drinking this was pain. The flavor was not only subtle but also straight-up peculiar. However, we wonder if this might...
18、She poured the imaginary tea, and I set out our pretend chocolate chip oatmeal cookies.她假想着倒茶,我假装把巧克力薯条和燕麦饼干摆出来。 19、The enclosed area is filled only if that imaginary line crosses an odd number of boundary lines.封闭区域只在如果想象的线与边界线的奇数数量交叉时才...
2013-11-08 The chemistry of cookies - Stephanie Warren 04:30 2013-11-13 The chemical reaction that feeds the world - Daniel D. Dulek 05:20 2013-11-13 The five major world religions - John Bellaimey 11:10 2013-11-22 Making a TED-Ed Lesson - Visualizing big ideas 05:04 2013-11-27...
CRUNCHY CHOC-CHIP MICROWAVE COOKIES 准备时间:15分钟(外加冷却时间) 烘焙时间:15分钟 成品为16块 【用料】 黄油125g,切小块 香草精1茶匙 鸡蛋1个,打散 普通面粉1又1/2杯 红糖1/3杯 超细砂糖1/4杯 泡打粉1/4茶匙 海盐颗粒一小撮 烘焙用黑巧克力豆1又1/4杯 ...
Chocolate Hagaan Daaz Strawberry Hagaan Daaz Raspberry Sorbet Hagaan Daaz Dulce De Leche Hagaan Daaz Chocolate Chocolate Chip Edy’s Mint Chocolate Chip Edy’s Cookies and Crème Nestle Crunch Dibs Nestle Mint Dibs I4 oz 14 oz 14 oz 14 oz 14 oz 14 oz 14 oz 14 oz 4 oz 9 oz 4.95 ...