2022-02-24 How I built my own Sega Mega Drive hardware dev kit from scratch 2022-02-15 pdd.sh/pdd.sh at main · bkw777/pdd.sh 2022-02-15 My thoughts on writing a Minecraft server from scratch (in Bash) 2022-02-10 The world's stupidest IRC bot 2022-02-03 GitHub - debauchee/ba...
29、ScratchDet:Exploring to Train Single-Shot Object Detectors from Scratch(Oral) 作者:Rui Zhu, Shifeng Zhang, Xiaobo Wang, Longyin Wen, Hailin Shi, Liefeng Bo, Tao Mei 论文链接:https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.08425v3 源码链接:https://github.com/KimSoybean/ScratchDet 论文解读:CVPR 2019 Oral | ...
notes for software engineers getting up to speed on new AI developments. Serves as datastore for https://latent.space writing, and product brainstorming, but has cleaned up canonical references under the /Resources folder. - mbrukman/ai-notes
one thing I don't understand - my wizard created WCF project didn't need to use this tool, a service that I've created from scratch had this rights problem. what MS do with the wizard that bypass this thing ? Anirban Chakladar|Blog 2008年12月29日 While working wit...
Make a scratch area mkdir ExampleApp cd ExampleApp Use a dotnet new template to get fresh code in your repo dotnet new -i Equinox.Templates # see source in https://github.com/jet/dotnet-templates dotnet new eqxweb -t # -t for todos, defaults to memory store (-m) # use --help ...
MMDetection: MMDetection is an open source object detection toolbox, a part of the open-mmlab project developed byMultimedia Laboratory, CUHK. neural-dream: A PyTorch implementation of the DeepDream algorithm. Creates dream-like hallucinogenic visuals. ...
[url=http://3dprintingfromscratch.com/2015/08/british-royal-navy-test-3d-printed-drone-at-sea-on-board-hms-mersey/#comment-185194]fjozda Public Safety ICT in the North American Smart City 2015[/url] [url=http://bestaqua.com.ua/blog/otzyvy#comment_1152795]viavzh Compare Lenovo Yoga Tabl...
docker官网:https://www.docker.com/ 文档:https://docs.docker.com/Docker的文档是超级详细的! 仓库:https://hub.docker.com/相当于 github 1.3、Docker能做什么? 比较Docker和虚拟机技术的不同: 传统虚拟机,虚拟出一条硬件,运行一个完整的操作系统,然后在这个系统上安装和运行软件 ...
Are you new to the company, datacenter or a third party who is responsible for deploying a fleet of servers from scratch. The first step is to normally login to the KVM so you can perhaps manually reinstall, PXE boot the Cloud Image or reimage/reinstall an OS but you need access to the...
4915 569 5 5 hours ago 7days-golang/301 7 days golang apps from scratch (web framework Gee, distributed cache GeeCache, object relational mapping ORM framework GeeORM, rpc framework GeeRPC etc) 7天用Go动手写/从零实现系列 4914 546 2 a day ago mongo-go-driver/302 The Go driver for Mong...