No COM+, no interop. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5839) OmniSharp/csharp-language-server-protocol - Language Server Protocol in C# [MIT License] (⭐️551) PowerShell/PowerShell - PowerShell for every system! [MIT License] (⭐️46694) qmk/qmk_toolbox - A Toolbox companion for ...
These videos may help too: dukelec/cde - HTML5 Encryption Tool (Tips:, or or soheilpro/mailwind - Use Tailwind CSS to design HTML emails. Pipe...
Documentation: stashapp 10011 28 lima Linux virtual machines, with a focus on running containers lima-vm 16393 29 colima Container runtimes on macOS (and Linux) with minimal setup abiosoft 21609 30 plumber A swiss army knife CLI tool for interacting with Kafka, ...
2017-09-06 GoogleChrome/sw-toolbox 2017-09-06 Best UI Frameworks for your new React.js App. – Hacker Noon 2017-09-04 knq/chromedp 2017-09-01 PDF - 2017-08-30 restic/restic 2017-08-26 If my dogs were a pair of middle-aged men - PART TWO - The Oatmeal 2017-08...
aleksey-hoffman/sigma-file-manager - "Sigma File Manager" is a free, open-source, quickly evolving, modern file manager (explorer / browser) app for Windows and Linux. kingToolbox/WindTerm - A professional cross-platform SSH/Sftp/Shell/Telnet/Serial terminal. sumatrapdfreader/sumatrapdf - Sumat...
(OpenCage) (, (Bing) (, (Mapbox) (,以及[OpenStreetMap]( geocoding / reverse geocoding api 的...
shogun-toolbox/shogun - Shōgun alibaba/tair - A distributed key-value storage system developed by Alibaba Group PhDP/alchemy2 - A copy of Alchemy 2, a set of tools to handle Markov Logic Networks. enjalot/adventures_in_opencl - A tutorial series for learning OpenCL zvelo/stlsoft - C &...
例如,在 JetBrains,JetBrains 早在 2021 年初就开始在 Jetbrains Toolbox App ( 中采用 Compose Multiplatform。 这个用于 JetBrains IDE 的管理应用程序每月有超过 1,000,000 名活跃用户,在 4 个月前完全从 C++ 和 Electron 迁移到了 Compose Multiplatform。