have a Nice Day Chen Yi Chen Reference:### ### HttpsToHttpRedirectOnSamePort ### asadmin create-protocol --securityenabled=true http-redirect asadmin create-http-redirect --secure-redirect false http-redirect asadmin create-ssl --certname s1as --type network-listener --ssl2enabled=false --...
The main repository uses multiple sub-repositories to manage packages of different categories. All packages are installed via the OpenWrt package manager calledopkg. If you're looking to develop the web interface or port packages to OpenWrt, please find the fitting repository below. ...
Generally, Port is used to make the computer understand what type of data is received from or sent to a computer over the similar network connection. Each Port is assigned with different functionality and a port number like Port 80, 443, 21, 25, etc. Port is a virtual numbered address us...
Runportal web-authen-server{http|httpsssl-policypolicy-name} [portport-number] The Portal interconnection function of the HTTP or HTTPS protocol is enabled. By default, the Portal interconnection function of the HTTP or HTTPS protocol is disabled. ...
I have a little complicated configuration of services. My domain (call it "a.team" for now) points to my 1&1 Cloud Server with different services running dockerized fully functional with a dockerized nginx. Many subdomains pointing to docker containers and everything is fine. ...
🔥 Proxy is a high performance HTTP(S) proxies, SOCKS5 proxies,WEBSOCKET, TCP, UDP proxy server implemented by golang. Now, it supports chain-style proxies,nat forwarding in different lan,TCP/UDP port forwarding, SSH forwarding.Proxy是golang实现的高性
The system view is displayed. Runportal web-authen-server{http|httpsssl-policypolicy-name} [portport-number] The Portal interconnection function of the HTTP or HTTPS protocol is enabled. By default, the Portal interconnection function of the HTTP or HTTPS protocol is disabled. ...
{"https_port":443,"Logging": {"LogLevel": {"Default":"Information","Microsoft.AspNetCore":"Warning"} },"AllowedHosts":"*"} Indicate a port with the secure scheme using theASPNETCORE_URLS environment variable. The environment variable configures the server. The middleware indirectly discovers ...
ForProtocol : Port, chooseHTTPSand keep the default port or enter a different port. (Optional) To enable authentication, underAuthenticationselectUse OpenID or Amazon Cognito, and provide the requested information. For more information, seeAuthenticate users using an Application Load Balancer. ...
https.proxy.port=<https-proxy-port> http.proxy.host=<http-proxy-host> https.proxy.host=<https-proxy-host> The above example is given in a context of Bamboo with Crowd as user repository when using an Outbound proxy. But, these configurations can be referred to the other Atlas...