43 vscode-luna-paint A raster image editor extension for VS Code lunapaint 288 44 dockstation DockStation is developer-centric application to managing projects based on Docker. Instead of lots of CLI commands you can monitor, configure, and manage services and containers using just a GUI. DockStat...
{ "tools": { "Visual Studio Code": "D:\\VSCode\\Code.exe" } } [!NOTE] This app also supports a lot of JetBrains IDEs, installing JetBrains Toolbox will help this app to find them. Screenshots Dark Theme Light Theme Custom You can find custom themes from sourcegit-theme. And welco...
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 .vscode/settings.json Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "json.schemas": [ { "url": "https://gh-proxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ScoopInstaller/Scoop/master/schema.json", "url": "https...
.vscodeFolder containing the JSON files that configure Visual Studio Code for deploying and debugging the application. Prerequisites The sample requires the following hardware: AnAzure Sphere development board Setup Complete the following steps to set up this sample. ...
Even Better TOML - TOML support in vscode Prettier - Code formatter (Rust) - Opinionated Rust code formatter that autofixes bad syntax (Prettier community plugin) rust-analyzer - An alternative rust language server to the RLS Profiling Bencher - A suite of continuous benchmarking tools designed ...
下载https://download.csdn.net/download/dz45693/14012026 https://github.com/dz45693/dotnetHttpcert.git 备注:分别在客户端或服务端安装根证书,windows上安装证书时,证书存储可选择“受信任的根证书颁发机构”(我就是没有注意这一点搞了我1天多啊) ...
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https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=81744 https://github.com/php/php-src/security/advisories/GHSA-7fj2-8x79-rjf4 Wilfred Hughes CVE-2022-36937: TLS 1.0 connections Posted January 20, 2023 We’ve just released patch releases for HHVM: 4.172.1, 4.168.2 and 4.153.4. These resolve the secu...
Download STS 3 Spring Tools 4 VScode 写Java程序 总是提示JAVA_HOME错误 - 深页的回答 - SegmentFault 思否 Writing Java with Visual Studio Code 2. iCura All request · Teambition vue - HackMD PDF - Vue Element Admin Tags View | vue-element-admin rawilk/vue-context: A simple vu...
ReqMsgSeq } // 服务端拉取消息 const { data } = await axios({ method: 'post', url...: `https://console.tim.qq.com/v4/group_open_http_svc/group_msg_get_simple?...在vscode Live Server 上直接Open With Live Server 参考文档: CommentCoreLibrary: https:/...