Smallpdf - the platform that makes it super easy to convert and edit all your PDF files. Solving all your PDF problems in one place - and yes, free.
第一步:使用糖果游戏浏览器输入 进入乐乐pdf官网 第二步:在糖果游戏浏览器上添加上您要转换的文件(如下图所示) 第三步:耐心等待53秒后,即可上传成功,点击乐乐PDF编辑器上的开始转换。 第四步:在乐乐PDF编辑器上转换完毕后,即可下载到自己的神舟电...
iData: 术语在线: 写代码 GitHub: 码云: 源码之家: JSON to Dart: Json在线解析验证: 在线接口测试(Getman):https:/...
网址: 47、造字工房 网址: 48.、汉仪字库 网址: 八、PDF转PPT 49、smallpdf(苹果风) 网址: 50、iLovePDF(本土风) 网址: 51、Apowersoft PD... 「Smallpdf」是一款易于使用的PDF密码移除工具,在上传完加密的PDF文件后,如果文件没有被高度加密,它将在数秒钟内被解密并提供下载。 一个值得夸赞的功能是在上传我们文件时,「Smallpdf」会采用安全的连接模式传送文件数据且上传的文件将在解密后一小时被删除。
jackzhenguo/python-small-examples 告别枯燥,致力于打造 Python 富有体系且实用的小例子、小案例。 5.0 Python 08/28 35lancopku/pkuseg-python pkuseg多领域中文分词工具; The pkuseg toolkit for multi-domain Chinese word segmentation 5.0k Python 06/21 36PeterDing/iScript 各种脚本 -- 关于 虾米 xiami...
[34星][8y] [C#] advtools/advsock2pipe A small utility to connect a TCP socket to a Windows named pipe. It can be used, for exemple, to capture network data with tcpdump on Linux or iPhone/iPad and to see the capture in (almost) realtime in Wireshark on Windows. Released under ...
Google advanced search sends the following URI to the server. Here is the decoding: as_q=test (query string) &hl=en (language) &num=10 (number of results [10,20,30,50,100]) &btnG=Google+Search &as_epq= (complete phrase) &as_oq= (at least one)...
<input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="nNZ5mfYnkMWDlAcHrq6ocYbYVvijEbOW0JkeoAXKVh/H8uBoFyzgZapbQPlEJ6DHBSR4v+fmUzNvcyrlHfYHrs2BZw3IifAYrGwADdDrtpvuqmdwHVLfXckEP+8Kik7TAEBdA+GJyudHud9UVDyE/q2pIfLJAnllqXVlSl7UKE4GJJy8cQ93hn30Ba6CYo+t1P3HOTtzjPDf8pzJUeKCXT...
This example Lucene source code file (random.text.with.urls.txt) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.Java - Lucene tags/keywords and, i, i, joe, joe, joe's,...