Project: Ideas: Remix to improve the accuracy of the orbital periods of the three inner planets modeled in this project so far Remix and add Continue reading Base-2 Counter (binary) May 17, 2018 Jim Cash Project:
官网地址: 支持系统:Windows、macOS 10.13+、ChromeOS、Android 6.0+(平板) 使用Scratch,你可以编写属于你的互动媒体,像是故事、游戏、动画,然后你可以将你的创意分享给全世界。 Scratch 帮助年轻人更具创造力、逻辑力、协作力。 Scratch是MIT媒体实验室终生幼儿园小组开发的一个免费项目。
5.4 Configure the variables from scratchComment everything, add minimal ones and then others.Please refer to doc/qemu/qemu-doc.html or the online one At the same time, prepare the configsWe need to prepare the configs for linux, buildroot and even u...
3 build-your-own-x Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch. codecrafters-io 364649⬆ Back to IndexMoonBitNameDescriptionAuthorStars 1 core MoonBit's Core library moonbitlang 775⬆ Back to IndexNixNameDescriptionAuthorStars 1 alejandra The Uncompromising Nix Code For...
今天在翻Mind+官网Mind+图形化编程软件官网- 一站式入门学习Arduino、micro:bit、掌控板。 的时候,看到这样寒心的一幕:把右上角中文切换成英文,就会发现“Mind+是一款拥有自主知识产权的国产青少年编程软件”这段被删了;仔细对比宣传视频,基本都是一样的,却唯独中文版没有说“based on scratch3.0”这句。scratch在...
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2022-02-15 My thoughts on writing a Minecraft server from scratch (in Bash) 2022-02-10 The world's stupidest IRC bot 2022-02-03 GitHub - debauchee/barrier: Open-source KVM software 2022-02-03 GitHub - mattingalls/Soundflower: MacOS system extension that allows applications to pass audio ...
Tom's Hardware Guide Networking: Building A Home Network From Scratch - The Ins and Outs of Building a Home Network Create Debian Linux packages Comparing Linux/UNIX Binary Package Formats Metaphilm - Fight Club (as Calvin & Hobbes!) Virus Busters (U-M) (scams, hoaxes, fraud, worms) ...
codecrafters-io/build-your-own-x - Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch. jaywcjlove/linux-command - Linux命令大全搜索工具,内容包含Linux命令手册、详解、学习、搜集。 MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs - Open source documentation of Microsoft Azure tldr-pag...
CRC-2 traces: DPC-3 traces: CVP-2 traces: Experimental Workflow Our experimental workflow consists of two stages: (1) launching experiments, and (2) rolling up ...