为什么不能呢,你当然可以运行在80端口。只是访问的时候就需要https://example.com:80/route 没必要啊...
https和http都属于application layer,基于TCP(以及UDP)协议,但是又完全不一样。TCP用的port是80, https用的是443(值得一提的是,google发明了一个新的协议,叫QUIC,并不基于TCP,用的port也是443, 同样是用来给https的。谷歌好牛逼啊。)总体来说,https和http类似,但是比http安全。 https做得怎么样? 一般来说网络...
Generally, Port is used to make the computer understand what type of data is received from or sent to a computer over the similar network connection. Each Port is assigned with different functionality and a port number like Port 80, 443, 21, 25, etc. Port is a virtual numbered address us...
server port命令用来配置HTTP服务侦听端口号。 undo server port命令用来恢复HTTP服务侦听端口号到默认值。 缺省情况下,HTTP服务侦听端口号是80。 命令格式 server portport-number undo server port 参数说明 参数参数说明取值 port-number 指定HTTP服务侦听端口号。
server port 命令功能 server port命令用来配置HTTP服务侦听端口号。 undo server port命令用来恢复HTTP服务侦听端口号到默认值。 缺省情况下,HTTP服务侦听端口号是80。 命令格式 server portport-number undo server port 参数说明 参数参数说明取值 port-number ...
HTTPS uses port 443. This differentiates HTTPS from HTTP, which uses port 80. (In networking, a port is a virtual software-based point where network connections start and end. All network-connected computers expose a number of ports to enable them to receive traffic. Each port is associated ...
To change the default ports 80 (http) and 443 (https) on ESX 3.5.x or ESX 4.0: Open the /etc/vmware/hostd/proxy.xml file with a text editor. Under <ConfigRoot>, add the following entry:<httpPort>custom port #</httpPort><httpsPort>custom port #</httpsPort>For example:<httpPort...
- port: number: 80 name: http protocol: HTTP hosts: - "*/stage.xxx.com" - port: number: 443 name: https protocol: HTTPS tls: mode: SIMPLE serverCertificate: /etc/istio/ingressgateway-certs/makexio.pem privateKey: /etc/istio/ingressgateway-certs/makexio.key ...
Device#show ip http server statusHTTP server status: Disabled HTTP server port: 80 HTTP server authentication method: enable HTTP server access class: 0 HTTP server base path: Maximum number of concurrent server connections allowed: 5 Server idle time-out: 600 seconds Ser...
To verify remote connectivity to the HTTP/HTTPS server, enter the system IP address in a web browser, followed by a colon and the appropriate port number (80 is the default port number). For example, if the system IP address is and the port nu...