ip https port命令用来配置HTTPS服务的端口号。 undo ip https port命令用来恢复缺省情况。 【命令】 ip https port port-number undo ip https port 【缺省情况】 HTTPS服务的端口号为443。 【视图】 系统视图 【缺省用户角色】 network-admin context-admin 【参数】 port-number:HTTPS服务的端口号,取值范围为1...
In computer networking, a “port” is a virtual point through which communication between a device and a server occurs. Each port has a unique number that represents a specific type of network service. For example,Port 80handles unencrypted HTTP traffic, while Port 443 is specifically designated ...
1、添加加密端口时,编辑脚本addsslports.vbs addsslports.vbs 脚本内容如下: DimrootDimtpRangesDimnewRangeSetroot =CreateObject("FPC.Root")SettpRanges =root.GetContainingArray.ArrayPolicy.WebProxy.TunnelPortRangessetnewRange = tpRanges.AddRange("SSL port name",first port number,last port number) tpR...
(可选)执行命令http secure-server portport-number,配置HTTPS服务的端口号。 缺省情况下,HTTPS服务的端口号是443。 执行命令http secure-server server-source-i{interface-typeinterface-number|all},配置HTTP和HTTPS服务的源接口。 缺省情况下,未指定HTTP和HTTPS服务的源接口。出厂配置文件中,有管理网口的设备指定源...
port-number 指定HTTPS服务器的管理端口号。 整数形式,取值范围是443或1025~51200。 视图 系统视图 缺省级别 3:管理级 使用指南 应用场景 用户级别为1~2级的用户使用http secure-server port命令修改登录到设备的HTTPS端口,当HTTPS端口更改后,管理员就无法使用HTTPS端口登录设备。当管理员需要对设备进行管理时,可通...
Options port_number The administrator can modify this number. Valid values include any port number not already in use on the host. Usage This stanza entry is required. Default value 443 Example https-port = 443
What is the difference between HTTPS 443 port and 8443 port? When accessing port 8443, you need to add a port number, which is equivalent to 8080 of HTTP. You cannot directly access port 8443 by using a domain name. You need to add a port number, for example, https:...
1、HTTP协议(Hypertext transfer protocol 超文本传输协议)是一个基于请求与响应模式的、无状态的、应用层的协议。默认端口号为8080,HTTPS端口号为443; 2、HTTP协议承载于TCP协议之上,或者承载于SSL或TLS协议层之上(即HTTPS),如下图: 3、HTTP协议简单,客户向服务器请求服务时,只需传送请求方法和路径。因此,HTTP服务...
Here is the full error: Error occurred: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='google.serper.dev', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /search (Caused by SSLError(SSLZeroReturnError(6, 'TLS/SSL connection has been closed (EOF) (_ssl.c:1129)'))) ...
...常见端口地点 HTTP服务器,默认的端口号为80/tcp(木马Executor开放此端口);HTTPS(securely transferring web pages)服务器,默认的端口号为443/tcp...Protocol (E-mail) ,默认的端口号为110/tcp; WebLogic,默认的端口号为7001; Webshpere应用程序,默认的端口号为9080; webshpere管理工具,默认的端口号为...9090...