09、Modern UI for WPF (MUI) 功能简介:Modern UI for WPF。 开源情况:开源免费。 源码地址:https://github.com/firstfloorsoftware/mui (已归档) 克隆地址:https://gitee.com/DLGCY_Clone/mui 文档地址:https://github.com/firstfloorsoftware/mui/wiki/Getting-started 效果演示: 10、CookPopularControl 功能...
Nodejs 综合API Ecmascript Js template HTML5(HTML) CSS3(CSS) Angularjs React vue 移动端API jQuery D3 Requriejs Seajs Less,sass Markdown 兼容性 UI相关 其它API 图表类 正则 前端规范 PHP 各大公司开源项目 常用 算法 移动端 Ext, EasyUI, J-UI 及其它各种UI方案 页面 社会化 分享功能 富文本编辑...
go-admin - 基于Gin + Vue + Element UI的前后端分离权限管理系统脚手架(包含了:基础用户管理功能,jwt鉴权,代码生成器,RBAC资源控制,表单构建等)文档:http://doc.zhangwj.com/go-admin-site/ Demo: http://www.zhangwj.com/#/login ohmybackup - Scan Victim Backup Directories & Backup Files Modlishka...
whenever possible (even if it means sending an email, which is a length I rarely went to but would’ve liked to have done more). Promote ideologies that are empathy-based. Look for artists that don’t have PR but do have strong material; find them...