取已经解析好的文本内容,方便下一步的处理和使用,Jina AI的Reader还能兼容大部分的PDF文件,即使文件中包含大量图片,仍能快速地进行解析,保证了用户的高效使用体验。使用Jina AI的Reader工具,不再需要下载PDF文件并手动上传给机器人进行处理,节省了用户的宝贵时间和精力,减少了不必要的操作步骤。无论是在个人使用还是...
A curated list of awesome machine learning frameworks, libraries and software (by language). Inspired by awesome-php.If you want to contribute to this list (please do), send me a pull request or contact me @josephmisiti. Also, a listed repository should be deprecated if:...
Two personal site redesigns of note: Jina Bolton’s lovely Sushi & Robots and Kirk Peterson’s classy Biggest Apple. The Economist: When less is more.“As an aircraft enthusiast since boyhood, your correspondent has long had a special place in his pantheon of heroes for the poet-aviator Ant...