OpenNMT-py is run as a collaborative open-source project. The original code was written byAdam Lerer(NYC) to reproduce OpenNMT-Lua using Pytorch. Major contributors are:Sasha Rush(Cambridge, MA)Vincent Nguyen(Ubiqus)Ben Peters(Lisbon)Sebastian Gehrmann(Harvard NLP)Yuntian Deng(Harvard NLP)Guillaume...
OpenNMT-py [PyTorch] Acknowledgment We would like to thank Denny Britz, Anna Goldie, Derek Murray, and Cinjon Resnick for their work bringing new features to TensorFlow and the seq2seq library. Additional thanks go to Lukasz Kaiser for the initial help ...
OpenNMT-py: 1.2.0 Git file descriptions data/Context3/OnlyFirstLine: Data used to train source domain task. Includes single and multiline bug fixes from GitHub with only the first line identified as buggy with special tokens. data/PreSpecial*: 2 Directories with 2 denoising passes on each fu...
项目地址: 7.speech:PyTorch ASR 实现。 项目地址: 8.OpenNMT-py:开源 PyTorch 神经机器翻译。 项目地址: 9.neuralcoref:基于神经网络和 spaCy 的当前最佳共指消解。 项目地址:https://githu...
链接: No 9 AirSim 基于虚幻引擎的开源模拟器,适用于Microsoft AI和Research的自动驾驶交通工具 Github:6334颗星。 来自Shital Shah,Microsoft 链接:
machine translation (to be included in OpenNMT-py) speech recognition (Note: implemented in CNTK instead of PyTorch)- Contributors To-do ReLU activation support multi-GPU (context change) Layer normalization + residual to compare with highway con...