A Clash GUI based on tauri. Supports Windows, macOS and Linux. - clash-verge/yarn.lock at b1f45752cf95970b7b7129d565aa8b9700326d5d · geennuar/clash-verge
A Clash GUI based on tauri. Supports Windows, macOS and Linux. - clash-verge/yarn.lock at main · FutureAndPast/clash-verge
https://VergeCurrency.com - Official Site of Verge Currency ($XVG) :globe_with_meridians: - GitHub - jasonlynx/vergecurrency.com: https://VergeCurrency.com - Official Site of Verge Currency ($XVG) :globe_with_meridians:
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* Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (Bionic Beaver) Server * NodeJS v10.16.3 * NPM v6.9.0 * MongoDB v4.0.12 with Replica Set enabled and configured (required for ACID transactions) * Verge Daemon v6.0.2 (Fully Synced) -> verge-6.0.2-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz [https://github.com/vergecurrency/...
Contributing to the Verge Site Verge Tech Stack The VergeCurrency site is made using Jekyll. Fork the vergecurrency.com repo Fork the VergeCurrency site, which will enable you to work off of your own development branch Install Ruby > 2 In order to contribute to the site, you need to ins...
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cd vergeexplorer/server && npm install cd .. cd client && npm install Download & extract fromverge-6.0.2-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz[https://github.com/vergecurrency/VERGE/releases] Create a.VERGEfolder inside your home directory CopyVERGE.conffile to this directory ...
Describe the bug When importing a profile hosted on a HTTPS server using non full-chain certification, it may fail with this error: "error trying to connect: invalid peer certificate contents: invalid peer certificate: UnknownIssuer;" To...
version "5.0.3" resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@actions/github/-/github-5.0.3.tgz#b305765d6173962d113451ea324ff675aa674f35" integrity sha512-myjA/pdLQfhUGLtRZC/J4L1RXOG4o6aYdiEq+zr5wVVKljzbFld+xv10k1FX6IkIJtNxbAq44BdwSNpQ015P0A== dependencies: ...