Go tohttps://git-scm.com/downloads/winand download 64-bit Git for Windows Setup under Standalone Installer64-bit Git for Windows Setup Install the downloaded executable Execute from Git Bash or other prompt with visibility to git: "git --version --build" Version will include the string "gi...
Open Source Git GUI Client (mirror of https://github.com/sourcegit-scm/sourcegit.git) 展开 收起 Git Git客户端 暂无标签 C# 等3 种语言 MIT 保存更改 取消 发行版 暂无发行版 sourcegit 开源评估指数 生产力 创新力 稳健性 协作 贡献者 软件 贡献者 (66) 全部 近期动态 23天前同...
Adding new GUI The list of GUI clients has been constructed by the community for a long time. If you want to add another tool you'll need to follow a few steps: Add the GUI client details at the YAML file: https://github.com/git/git-scm.com/blob/master/resources/guis.yml The fiel...
# 1.下载对应版本:https://git-scm.com/download # 2.安装git:在选取安装路径的下一步选取 Use a TrueType font in all console windows 选项 ``` ### 基础命令 ### 将已有的文件夹 - 初始化为git仓库 ```python """ >: cd 目标文件夹内部 >: git init """ ``` ### 在指定目录下 - 初始...
Many Git online resources are accessible from https://git-scm.com/ including full documentation and Git related tools. See Documentation/gittutorial.txt to get started, then see Documentation/giteveryday.txt for a useful minimum set of commands, and Documentation/git-<commandname>.txt for document...
https://git-scm.com/book/zh/v2 4.4 服务器上的 Git - 配置服务器 配置服务器 我们来看看如何配置服务器端的 SSH 访问。 本例中,我们将使用 authorized_keys 方法来对用户进行认证。 同时我们假设你使用的操作系统是标准的 L
The entire Pro Git book written by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub is available to read online for free. Dead tree versions are available on Amazon.com. Download for WindowsClick here to download the latest (2.47.1(2)) 64-bit version of Git for Windows. This is the most recent maintained ...
git clone git@github.com:xxx/xxx.git 复制代码 使用这中http方式 拉去代码时 git clonehttp://username[@ip](https://my.oschina.net/u/3749391):host/xxxx项目 如下配置: 进入服务器的项目目录,执行 [root@slave5 ~]# git config --global credential.helper store ...
1.下载Git软件:http://msysgit.github.io/ 2.安装git软件(很简单)。安装成功后,在[开始]->[程序]->[git],下就会看见GitBash和GitGUI,打开GitBash,进入bash界面。 3.注册邮箱 在gitbash界面输入如下内容即可完成邮箱的 git bash github 双引号 用户名 ...