//dl.espressif.com/dl/esp-idf/espidf.constraints.v4.4.txt Destination: /home/nayan/.espressif/espidf.constraints.v4.4.txt.tmp WARNING: Download failure: HTTP Error 404: Not Found WARNING: Failed to download https://dl.espressif.com/dl/esp-idf/espidf.constraints.v4.4.txt to /home/nayan...
* - For other return codes, refer OTA documentation in esp-idf's app_update component. */ esp_err_t esp_https_ota(const esp_https_ota_config_t *ota_config); /** * @brief Start HTTPS OTA Firmware upgrade * * This function initializes ESP HTTPS OTA context and establishes HTTPS connec...
As of 1500 Eastern Standard Time, 12 November 2019, the URL, https://dl.espressif.com/dl/package_esp32_index.json is missing and I need it for the Arduino IDE to access the ESP32 code. There have been some other reports of it missing but then corrected. I used this as early as ...
建议参考ESP-IDF 版本与乐鑫芯片版本兼容性,了解 ESP-IDF 版本与各芯片版本之间的兼容性。 对于2016 年之前发布的乐鑫芯片(包括 ESP8266 和 ESP8285),请参考RTOS SDK。 使用ESP-IDF 进行开发 搭建ESP-IDF 开发环境 关于不同芯片如何搭建 ESP-IDF 的开发环境,请参考https://idf.espressif.com/。 注意:不同系列...
I observe this issue has been reported on multiple occassions over the last 3 years on various forums including this one but I feel each time,the site was actually unavailable. Kindly advise what is the issue with the dl.espressif.com site? Also, could we try to figure out what is causi...
版本v2.1旨在大大兼容为ESP-IDF v2.0编写的应用程序。但是,引入以下突破性变化: esp_bt_controller_init函数收到一个新的esp_bt_controller_config_t *参数。 如果应用程序采用双核支持构建,则使用正常寄存器访问宏访问DPORT寄存器将导致编译时错误(如果在编译时无法对寄存器地址进行评估,则会导致运行时错误)。必须更...
Re: error on https://dl.espressif.com/dl/package_esp32_index.json Posted:Tue Nov 12, 2019 7:42 pm by2551558 Hi, my first time on the forum. I have this same issue on 12 Nov 2019. The URL,https://dl.espressif.com/dl/package_esp32_index.jsonappears to be missing. I've read ...
git clone -v https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf.git 查看Git的输出,特别是错误信息部分,以获取更多关于失败原因的线索。 检查SSL/TLS证书问题: 有时Git会因为SSL/TLS证书验证失败而无法访问HTTPS仓库。可以尝试配置Git以忽略SSL证书验证(注意,这通常不推荐用于生产环境,因为它降低了安全性): bash git conf...
MacChu0315-Espressiffix: Fix CSI data misalignment7ad383612个月前 143 次提交 提交取消 提示:由于 Git 不支持空文件夾,创建文件夹后会生成空的 .keep 文件 .github/workflows fix: Upload to component manager error 1年前 components/esp-radar
* - For other return codes, refer OTA documentation in esp-idf's app_update component. */ esp_err_t esp_https_ota(const esp_http_client_config_t *config); /** * @brief Start HTTPS OTA Firmware upgrade * * This function initializes ESP HTTPS OTA context and establishes HTTPS connecti...