专为从城区到整座城市的可视化设计,开发者可以用 Photorealistic 3D Tiles 可视化 49 个国家/地区的 2500 多座城市,直接在应用中创建 3D 可视化体验。制定 GlTF 标准的 Cesium 同时发布了一个如何在 Unity 项目中加入 Photorealistic 3D Tiles 的指南。 https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/maps-platform/create...
Future releases will appear in the new repository (https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/appengine-plugins/releases). The Maven artifact coordinates (com.google.cloud.tools:appengine-maven-plugin) remain the same. Google App Engine Maven plugin This Maven plugin provides goals to build and deploy...
The MLLP (Short for "Minimal Lower Layer Protocol") adapter is a component that runs on GKE (https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/), receives HL7v2 messages via MLLP/TCP, and forwards messages received to Cloud HL7v2 API. - GoogleCloudPlatform/mllp
为Google Cloud Platform上的虚拟机申请和配置HTTPS证书的步骤如下:1. 在Google Cloud Console中选择需要申请和配置HTTPS证书的虚拟机实例。2. 打开该实例的“SSH”终端窗口,并输入以下命令以安装Apache web服务器:sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install apache2 3. 安装完成后,将SSL模块打开,输入以下命令...
网站(桶的内容)可在http://app.example.com上获得。 现在我需要它通过HTTPS提供服务。 我已创建负载均衡器 带有“backend bucket”,它是指向example.combucket的pointint。选中“启用云CDN”选项。 带有“主机和路径规则”选项: 主机:`app.example.com 路径:/* 后端:指向“后端桶” 不过,内容是通过http提供...
Google Cloud Sdk 定期更新.不是原版!!!修改了appengine-api-stubs.jar 以适应win操作系统. https://gte.fsyz.net/node/1943 建议从https://gitee.com/fsyz/Ai2Server 或 https://gitee.com/fsyz/AI2Local 下载提取GCloudSdk目录。 展开 收起
Govern, Audit and Control G Suite with Microsoft! (Google Apps + Cloud App Security)Does your organization use G Suite or Google Apps? Do you have these requirements? Audit activity...Date: 02/25/2019AzureAD: Setup SSO to G-Suite for free, and govern access! (Google Apps)...
- feat(sourcemaps): Add endpoint for listing all artifact bundles of a project (#45751) by @iambriccardo - chore(hybrid-cloud): Backfill installation_id to service hooks (#45800) by @corps - fix(issue-platform): Explicitly pass `culprit` as part of the occurrence, and store `subtit...