20 requestrr Requestrr is a chatbot used to simplify using services like Sonarr/Radarr/Ombi via the use of chat. Current platform is Discord only, but the bot was built around the ideology of quick adaptation for new features as well as new platforms. darkalfx 881 21 GyroShell A shell ...
Chatgpt thinking model start from o (e.g. 01, o3-mini...) https://youtu.be/EWvNQjAaOHw?si=PwnYazMY7Mf2doVw&t=1590 20250228 AI coding tool https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-code-assist-free/ example cmd: yennanliu/SpringPlayground#193 (review) https://www.cursor.com...
传承盛世中华之民族风骨,复兴华夏梨园之浩气长歌。2019年8月31日,正值西山龙胤入市一周年之际,世茂华北为客户与媒体专属定制的“国韵撷萃自有声”京剧专场国粹展演如约开幕。 世茂华北地区相关领导、多家媒体代表、龙胤汇业主及家人等500余位嘉宾,齐聚梅*芳大剧院,一曲京剧名目《杨门女将》徐徐开演。唱念做打间诠释出...
***atgpt2022.topWhois 查看|备案信息 I P 地址:美国-华盛顿Cogent通信公司服务器:wts/1.7.0 (PHP/5.6.17) 站点主体:chatgpt2022.top 检测时间:2024-08-08 05:57:32(耗时:52秒) 刷新报告 快捷查询:web安全检测|ICP许可查询|DNS查询|服务IP查询|注册信息查询|估价查询|吉凶测评 ...
“身份验证错误,要求的函数不受支持”解决办法 快速查看所有控制面板系统功能和系统设置的Windows God Mode文件夹 systemctl命令详解 Robocopy工具详细使用方法 nslookup命令详解 centos安装npm 如何通过php.ini开启网站详细报错 Linux磁盘分区——GPT分区 Linux服务器带宽测试的方法 Linux利用lrzsz,下载文件到本地、上传文件...
ChatGPTData ProcessingPHP $139Avg Bid 20 bids 6 days left Verified ...relative to the current file location for this to work. Finally, we are accessing the href property of the URL object, which stores the URL string that we will need to use in our React component. So, to use this...
"https://www.urbandictionary.com/search.php%p{term=%s}" }, { "name": "POE", "url": "https://poe.com/ChatGPT#p{sleep(1000)&textarea[class^\\='ChatMessageInput']=Please help me to translate \\`%s\\` to English, please return only translated content not include the origin text&...
8 awesome-chatgpt-prompts This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT and other LLM tools better. f 122123 9 pldb PLDB: a Programming Language DataBase breck7 756 10 omni The all-in-one tool to supercharge your productivity ⌨️ alyssaxuu 7421 11 Iosevka Versatile typeface...
How to Migrate Ubuntu installed on a LVM Logical Volume from a MBR disk to a GPT disk on non-(U)EFI hardware without data loss HowTo Howto: Custom keyboard layout definitions Howto: Custom keyboard layout definitions/ht HowTo:_Theora_and_Vorbis_in_an_Ogg_wrapper HowToAddaLauncher HowToBu...