亲,您好,早上好呀如果你的微软账号丢失了,可以尝试以下步骤来恢复或重置你的账号:1. 访问微软账号恢复页面:打开微软的账号恢复页面(https://account.live.com/acsr)。2. 提供必要的信息:在恢复页面上,你需要提供与丢失的账号相关联的电子邮件地址,以及一个能够接收重置链接的替代电子邮件地址。提...
✅ Pop-up saying can't sign in to account and directing to https://account.live.com/acsr:I keep getting the above pop-up - blue rectangular pop-up on desktop. I am signed into my MS account. The url provided takes me to account recovery,...
Microsoft 帐户连接所有 Microsoft 应用和服务。登录以管理帐户。 专属于你 通过可自定义的安全和隐私设置保持安全,并从帐户检查中获取个性化建议。 以你的方式提供安全性 选择最适合你的安全和隐私设置,并轻松地针对异常或可疑的帐户活动发出自动警报。 摆脱密码 ...
skype,我们还有几个问题。 最常在哪个 xbox 主机上使用你的帐户? xbox 360 xbox one 回答下列 xbox 问题以验证此帐户是你的。 已提交你的信息 我们将发送电子邮件至 {data.contactemail},让你了解是否已提供足够的信息来恢复帐户。通常需要大约 24 小时来审核所提交的信息。 语言 当前无法显示语言列表。 保存 ...
/etc/letsencrypt/live/xyz.com/cert.pem /etc/letsencrypt/live/xyz.com/chain.pem /etc/letsencrypt/live/xyz.com/fullchain.pem /etc/letsencrypt/live/xyz.com/privkey.pem We only need two of them: privkey.pem: the server's private key fullchain.pem: the certificate and certificate chain. ...
✅ Pop-up saying can't sign in to account and directing to https://account.live.com/acsr:I keep getting the above pop-up - blue rectangular pop-up on desktop. I am signed into my MS account. The url provided takes me to account recovery,...
✅ Pop-up saying can't sign in to account and directing to https://account.live.com/acsr:I keep getting the above pop-up - blue rectangular pop-up on desktop. I am signed into my MS account. The url provided takes me to account recovery,...