1 int foo [5]; NOTE: The elements field within square brackets [], representing the number of elements in the array, must be a constant expression, since arrays are blocks of static memory whose size must be determined at compile time, before the program runs.Initializing...
1. 国内外对该技术研究情况简要说明:本标准项目采用的技术在国内外已非常成熟并在广泛应用中;2. 项目与国际标准或国外先进标准采用程度的考虑:本标准制定过程中主要参考国内标准规范;3. 与国内相关标准间的关系:本标准项目没有相关的国家或行业标准;4. 指出是否发现有知识产权的问题:本标准项目没有发现存有知识产权...
525225MHA3-PR10-3-1/8 9801030000GI KPL.CA-270-480K BCC088ZBCC M313-M313-30-300-PX8334-015 45DLA-1LEB6T-F4Discrete Light Array AI621.81AC50/60HZ42V0,1-999,9M0034257 1000065740DM-3500 NTEP,SINGULATED WITH POWER SUPPLY,COMM 3,MUST ORDER NTEP KIT SEPARAY 0531188RI58-H/ 300ES.37...
6 while p_num < 10000: 7 num += 1 8 div_num = 2 9 while div_num < num: 10 if num % div_num == 0: 11 break 12 div_num += 1 13 else: 14 p_num += 1 15 print("%3d: %d" %(p_num,num)) 执行结果: GreydeMac-mini:python_exp10 greyzhang$ python prime_num.py 1: ...
11443 11462 11465 11694 11695 11773 11806 11923 12025 12035 12653 12668 12745 12774 12879 13009 13029 13123 13256 13380 13745 13765 13885 13888 14007 14216 14477 14482 14940 14959 14963 15219 15384 15592 15593 16284 16293 16397 16403 16535 16536 16552 16651 16697 16703 16725 16794 16888 17166 ...