5xx (Server Error): The server failed to fulfill the request. For more information, seeHTTP Semantics Common HTTP status error codes When you call a web service endpoint, either a Business Central API or from AL using Httpclient datatype, you get an HTTP status code as part ...
InternalServerError 指示服务器上发生了一般错误。 NotImplemented 等效于 HTTP 状态 501。NotImplemented 指示服务器不支持请求的函数。 BadGateway 等效于 HTTP 状态 502。BadGateway 指示中间代理服务器从另一代理或原始服务器接收到错误响应。 ServiceUnavailable 等效于 HTTP 状态 503。ServiceUnavailable 指示服务器...
// RetryVerify 也可以为 nil , 当为 nil 时,默认重试规则为 http_code 为如下情况: // http.StatusRequestTimeout, 408 // http.StatusLocked, 423 // http.StatusTooEarly, 425 // http.StatusTooManyRequests, 429 // http.StatusServiceUnavailable, 503 // http.StatusGatewayTimeout, 504 // 使用...
int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (statusCode != 200 ) { httpPost.abort(); throw new RuntimeException( "HttpClient,error status code :" + statusCode); } HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); String result = null ; if (entity != null ){ result = E...
Common HTTP status error codes When you call a web service endpoint, either a Business Central API or from AL using Httpclient datatype, you get an HTTP status code as part of the response. All HTTP status codes that start with 4 (sometimes also written 4xx) are classified as client err...
Send(subject, body string) error } // 需要去实现 AlarmObject 接口,比如这样: var _ httpclient.AlarmObject = (*AlarmEmail)(nil) type AlarmEmail struct{} func (a *AlarmEmail) Send(subject, body string) error { options := &mail.Options{ ...
httpclient用getStatusCode TP 定义的状态代码的值(.net HttpWebResponse.HttpStatusCode if (httpStatusCode >= 300 && httpStatusCode < 400) { Header locationHeader = getMethod.getResponseHeader("location"); if (locationHeader != null) { ResponseData responseData = new ResponseData();...
Instead, if ``raise_error`` is set to False, the response will always be returned regardless of the response code. If a ``callback`` is given, it will be invoked with the `HTTPResponse`. In the callback interface, `HTTPError` is not automatically raised. Instead, you must check the...
HttpStatusCode.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT_504 : HttpStatusCode.BAD_GATEWAY_502); clientResponse.headers().set(HttpHeaders.CONNECTION, HttpHeadersValues.CONNECTION_CLOSE);Bufferbuffer = null;if(event.getMessage() != null) {// Create body content with error messagebuffer =Buffer.buffer(event.getMessage());...
1.分析日志发现,xxlJob后台界面没有执行时间和执行结果,在某一个时间点之后,某一个任务因为阻塞全部执行失败,影响业务系统未正常进行。比如:定时投保,购买保险等。 2.临时解决:先重启服务,XxlJob恢复调度,可以正常执行任务。 3.优化解决:排查logger日志,发现请求的日志有,返回的日志没有,分析代码发现,CloseableHttpCl...