--without-http_referer_module 禁用Referer控制模块 --without-http_rewrite_module 禁用Rewrite模块 --without-http_proxy_module 禁用代理模块,该模块用于向其他服务器传输请求 --without-http_fastcgi_module 禁用FastCGI模块。该模块是用于与FastCGI进程配合工作 --without-http_memcached_module 禁用Memcached 模块。该...
1.8.0 - rewrite of path resolution (thanks dpraul) 1.7.0 - add option to include own ssl certificate (thanks dpraul) 1.6.0 - add --config option (thanks dpraul) 1.5.0 - add --open option (thanks tluanga34) 1.4.0 - add --path option (thanks nick-bogdanov) ...
rewrite ^(.*)$ https://${server_name}$1permanent; } 这样就可以 http://aaa.abc.dd 转到 https://aaa.abc.dd 了。 二、Nginx防止被域名恶意解析的配置 先说结论,我们的配置: server { listen80default_server; server_name _;return444; } 再说为什么要加这个配置呢?网上查的问题如下: 今天太倒霉...
*) mod_rewrite: Make URI-to-filename rewrites work transparently with proxy early mappings (mapping=servlet/decoded). [Yann Ylavic] *) mod_md: do not interfere with requests to /.well-known/acme-challenge/ resources if challenge type 'http-01' is not configured for a domain. Fixes...
First you have to understand that when Apache processes a HTTP request it does this in phases. A hook for each of these phases is provided by the Apache API. Mod_rewrite uses two of these hooks: the URL-to-filename translation hook which is used after the HTTP request has been read bu...
Multiple conditions can be set per rewrite rule as long as there's one condition per type:ConditionCan use subst. syntaxSection requiredParametersDescription cookie Yes Yes A single key = value Checks if request has cookie key has value value query Yes Yes A single key = value Checks if ...
RewriteEngineOnRewriteMaplowercase int:tolowerRewriteCond"%{REQUEST_URI}""[A-Z]"RewriteRule"(.*)""${lowercase:$1}"[R,L] When running, Apache needs write access only to the logs directory and any configured cache directory tree. Due to the issue of case insensitive and short 8.3 format nam...
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: http-ingress namespace: mxs annotations: nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: / spec: ingressClassName: nginx rules: - host: www.mxstest.com http: paths: - path: / pathType: Prefix backend: service: name: httpserver-sv...
Substitute"s/internal\.example\.com/www.example.com/i" For more sophisticated rewriting of links in HTML and XHTML, themod_proxy_html FallbackResourcemod_rewrite
Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit nneonneo Merge pull request#30from regulad/feature/vpn Sep 27, 2024 e8722f9·Sep 27, 2024 History 57 Commits dns Completely rewrite as an async app. Jul 7, 2023 lib Add an HTTP proxy for better compatibility & usability ...