var express = require('express'); var proxy = require('http-proxy-middleware'); var app = express(); app.use('/api', proxy({target: '', changeOrigin: true})); app.listen(3000); 我将express换成koa,就报错了。 报错信息如下,不明白中间件为啥非得是个function呢?
module.exports=function(app) { app.use('/auth/login',createProxyMiddleware({target:'',changeOrigin:true,headers: {Connection:'Keep-Alive'}, }) ); }; Bare in mind, this libray not only can help you with the CORS problem but also to perform hundred...
I need to be able to specify between IE 11 and Firefox in a PHP script. I have the following function. However, in IE it returns Mozilla. Is there another way to approach this to distinquish between F... finding the intersection where multiple 3D parametric equations meet ...
Book where a parent recounts an anecdote about a painting of a Russian sled pursued by wolves What is the average result of rolling Xd6 twice and taking the higher of the two sums? How can I write A2:A and not get any results for empty cells Why is my Lenovo ThinkPad running Ub...
Project is building normaly without Errors using "npm run build". When using "npm run start" the following Error shows up in the Terminal: const debug$5 = debug_1$6.Debug.extend("debug-proxy-errors-plugin"); ^ TypeError: debug_1$6.Debug.extend is not a function ...
168 For full control you can provide a custom function to determine which requests should be proxied or not. 169 170 ```javascript 171 /** 172 * @return {Boolean} 173 */ 174 var filter = function(pathname, req) { 175 return pathname.match('^/api') && req.method === '...
115 Create and configure a proxy middleware with: `createProxyMiddleware(config)`. 116 117 ```javascript 118 const { createProxyMiddleware } = require('http-proxy-middleware'); 119 120 const apiProxy = createProxyMiddleware({
app.get('/',function(req, res) {//--}) 1. 2. 3. request和response对象的具体介绍: Request 对象- request 对象表示 HTTP 请求,包含了请求查询字符串,参数,内容,HTTP 头部等属性。常见属性有:当callback为外部文件时,用req.app访问express的实例 ...
Create and configure a proxy middleware with:createProxyMiddleware(config). const{createProxyMiddleware}=require('http-proxy-middleware');constapiProxy=createProxyMiddleware({target:'',changeOrigin:true,});// 'apiProxy' is now ready to be used as middleware in a server. ...
HTTP 4776: AGENT isHeadResponse false NET 4776: _read HTTP 4776: AGENT socket keep-alive HTTP 4776: outgoing message end. [HPM] GET /api/whatever -> http://localhost:12345 HTTP 4776: SERVER socketOnParserExecute 524 _stream_writable.js:361 cb(); ^ TypeError: cb is not a function at...