<el-container v-if="isLogin"> <el-header>
注意:httpVueLoader加载的单文件导出方式不同:module.exports = {},而不是export default {} 单文件中的全局注册 <template> <my-header></my-header> </template> //引入,相当于import const Header = httpVueLoader('./Header.vue'); //全局注册 Vue.component('my-header', Header); module.expor...
Vue File #app{ margin: 1em; font-size: 1.5em; } <my-component></my-component> new Vue({ el:"#my-app", components:{ 'my-component':httpVueLoader('hello.vue') } }) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ...
httpVueLoader(url) httpVueLoader.register(vue, url) httpVueLoader.httpRequest(url) httpVueLoader.langProcessor How it works Notes Caveat CreditsVue3 support: https://github.com/FranckFreiburger/vue3-sfc-loader http-vue-loader Load .vue files directly from your html/js. No node.js environment...
or, usinghttpVueLoaderas a plugin ...Vue.use(httpVueLoader); new Vue({ components: { 'my-component': 'url:my-component.vue' }, ... or, using an array new Vue({ components: [ 'url:my-component.vue' ] }, ... Features <template>,andsupport ...
🎉 http-vue-loader evolved into vue3-sfc-loader that supports Vue2 and Vue3 🎉 (see the announcement) http-vue-loader Load .vue files directly from your html/js. No node.js environment, no build step. examples my-component.vue <template> Hello {{who}} </template> module.exports ...
简介: js:http-vue-loader从浏览器直接引入vue文件 doc github: https://github.com/FranckFreiburger/http-vue-loader index.html <!doctype html> <my-component></my-component> new Vue({ el: '#app', components: { 'my-component': httpVueLoader('my-component.vue') } }); ...
Load .vue files directly from your html/js. No node.js environment, no build step.. Latest version: 1.4.2, last published: 5 years ago. Start using http-vue-loader in your project by running `npm i http-vue-loader`. There are 22 other projects in the npm