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A Simple Static HTTP Server built with gin and golang. cross platform, zero configuation - go-http-server/go.sum at main · snowdreamtech/go-http-server
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/ this.litChartColumnCfg.data.length; let partHeight = this.clientHeight - this.offset!.y!; let gap = partHeight / 5; let valGap = maxValue / 5; for (let i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { this.rowLines.push({ y: gap * i, - label: `${maxValue - valGap * i} `, + label:...
However, if you get a command not found error or a similar problem for required tools, do not report it. Instead, make sure that all the required tools are installed and that your PATH variable is set correctly so that your shell can find them. Install the Distribution On Unix: $> ...