func successHandler(c *gin.Context) { c.String(http.StatusOK, "Operation successful") } func main() { router := gin.Default() router.GET("/success", successHandler) router.Run(":8080") } ``` 这将在`/success`路径上返回状态码200 OK和"Operation successful"的响应。 2. **客户端错误*...
该状态码用于允许用户代理预加载资源,同时服务器准备响应。 2. 2xx Success 2xx 状态码表示客户端的请求被成功接收、理解和接受。 (1)200 OK 表示客户端发来的请求被服务器端正常处理了。从 SEO 的角度来看,200 OK 状态码是功能页面的完美状态码,所有链接页面都在正常工作。200 表示搜索引擎爬虫可以成功爬取该...
HTTP RFC 2616对204状态码的描述如下: The server has fulfilled the request but does not need to return an entity-body, and might want to return updated metainformation. The response MAY include new or updated metainformation in the form of entity-headers, which if present SHOULD be associated ...
HTTP状态码(HTTP Status Code)是用以表示网页服务器超文本传输协议响应状态的3位数字代码。它由 RFC 2616 规范定义的,并得到 RFC 2518、RFC 2817、RFC 2295、RFC 2774 与 RFC 4918 等规范扩展。所有状态码被分为五类,状态码的第一个数字代表了响应的五种状态之一。所示的消息短语是典型的,但是可以提供任何可读...
2. 2xx Success 2xx 状态码表示客户端的请求被成功接收、理解和接受。 (1)200 OK 表示客户端发来的请求被服务器端正常处理了。从 SEO 的角度来看,200 OK 状态码是功能页面的完美状态码,所有链接页面都在正常工作。200 表示搜索引擎爬虫可以成功爬取该页面并将其放入其搜索引擎中。
2XX Status Codes – Success The 2XX codes are the best responses you can receive.They indicate that the request was recognized by the server, was accepted, and is being processed. 200 “OK”– The response for a successful HTTP request. The result will depend on the type of request. ...
RFC2616记录的HTTP状态码有37种,再加上「WebDAV」(RFC4918、5842)和「Additional HTTP Status Codes」(RFC6585),数量就达到60多种。 然并卵,这么多种HTTP状态码,其实常用的大概只有14种,本文就讲讲这14种状态码。 2XX Success This class of status code indicates that the client’s request was successfully ...
2xx Success 成功状态码,最常见的就是 200 OK 200 OK 请求成功。 200响应中发送的有效负载取决于请求方法。有效载荷的预期含义可以概括为: GET 目标资源的表示 HEAD 与 GET 相同,但没有表示数据 POST 动作状态或结果的表示 PUT DELETE 行为状态的表示 ...
Hi All, I have 3 API's 1. in first API the status are code 200 & 403 as a success reaming all status codes are failure 2. in 2nd & 3rd API's only 200
IIS uses the following success HTTP status codes: CodeDescriptionNotes 200OKThe client request was successfully processed. 201CreatedThe client request has been fulfilled and has resulted in one or more new resources being created. 202AcceptedThe client request has been accepted for processing...