HTTP状态码对照表 HTTP response codes 当浏览者访问一个网页时,浏览者的浏览器会向网页所在服务器发出请求。当浏览器接收并显示网页前,此网页所在的服务器会返回一个包含HTTP状态码的信息头(server header)用以响应浏览器的请求。 HTTP状态码的英文为HTTP Status Code。 下面是常见的HTTP状态码: 200 - 请求成功 ...
HTTP状态码对照表 HTTP response codes 当浏览者访问一个网页时,浏览者的浏览器会向网页所在服务器发出请求。当浏览器接收并显示网页前,此网页所在的服务器会返回一个包含HTTP状态码的信息头(server header)用以响应浏览器的请求。HTTP状态码的英文为HTTP Status Code。 下面是常见的HTTP状态码:200 - 请求成...
207 Multi-Status (Glossary("WebDAV)) 由WebDAV(RFC 2518)扩展的状态码,代表之后的消息体将是一个XML消息,并且可能依照之前子请求数量的不同,包含一系列独立的响应代码。 208 Multi-Status (Glossary("WebDAV)) 在DAV 里面使用: propstat 响应元素以避免重复枚举多个绑定的内部成员到同一个集合。 226 IM Used ...
这与302找到的HTTP响应代码具有相同的语义,只是用户代理不能更改所使用的HTTP方法:如果在第一个请求中使用了POST,则必须在第二个请求中使用POST。 308 Permanent Redirect 这意味着资源现在永久位于另一个URI上,由Location:HTTP响应头指定。这与301移动的永久HTTP响应代码具有相同的语义,只是用户代理不能更改所使用的HT...
3XX – Redirection HTTP status codes 300 Multiple Choices This status code indicates that multiple responses are available, and the client must choose one. For example, it can happen when a resource has multiple language versions, such as English and French. The response includes a list of opti...
HTTP response status codes HTTP 响应状态代码指示特定HTTP请求是否已成功完成。响应分为五类: 信息响应 成功响应 重定向 客户端错误 服务器错误 信息响应(1xx) 100 Continue: 这个临时响应表明,迄今为止的所有内容都是可行的,客户端应该继续请求,如果已经完成,则忽略它。
If you're getting a status code that is not listed here, let us know on PlayFab forums and categorize your question under API and SDK questions.הערה Not every API can return all of the status codes listed below. There are APIs that only return some of the codes.הרח...
生产环境常见的HTTP状态码列表(List of HTTP status codes)为: 说明:求精不求多,有舍才有得 不一样的思维不一样的精彩。《老男孩linux实战培训》也是这个原则。 200 - OK,服务器成功返回网页 - Standard response for successful HTTP requests. 301 - Moved Permanently(永久跳转),请求的网页已永久跳转到新位置...
This class of status code indicates a provisional response, consisting only of the Status-Line and optional headers, and is terminated by an empty line. There are no required headers for this class of status code. Since HTTP/1.0 did not define any 1xx status codes, servers MUST NOT send ...
HTTP response codes in this family are just for more information, only to identify that a specific process has been finished or a request has been completed. It is rare thatHTTP status codeswithin this range are used, because most of them specify seemingly mundane processes. Examples of these...