1XX HTTP Status Codes The 1XX status codes contain informational responses and are divided into four types: 100 Continue This code means that the server has received the initial part of the request. Once it accepts and processes the entire content, it will send a final response. ...
所有的参考资料都是比较新的博客或者基于RFC723X协议之后的网站。 4.2.1HTTP Status Codes Glossary - WebFX 4.2.2HTTP 状态代码备忘单 https://www.websiterating.com/zh-CN/resources/http-status-codes-cheat-sheet/#summary、 图片下载地址:https://www.websiterating.com/wp-content/uploads/http-status-co...
Additional HTTP Status Codes - RFC 6585 440 Login Timeout (Microsoft) A Microsoft extension. Indicates that your session has expired. 444 No Response (Nginx) Used in Nginx logs to indicate that the server has returned no information to the client and closed the connection (useful as a det...
HTTP Status Codes Cheat Sheet HTTP response status codes are grouped into five classes: 1XX status codes: Informational Requests 2XX status codes: Successful Requests 3XX status codes: Redirects 4XX status codes: Client Errors 5XX status codes: Server Errors 1xx status codes: Informational requests...
4.2.2 HTTP 状态代码备忘单 https://www.websiterating.com/zh-CN/resources/http-status-codes-cheat-sheet/#summary、 图片下载地址:https://www.websiterating.com/wp-content/uploads/http-status-codes.png 状态码 4.2.3 【RFC】HTTP/1.1 系列(7230 - 7235) ...
No Responsenginx 449 Retry WithMS 450 Blocked By Windows Parental ControlsMS 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasonsdraft 499 Client Closed Requestnginx 5xx: HTTP Server Error Codes 500 Internal Server Error 501 Not Implemented 502 Bad Gateway ...
- [HTTP Status Codes Cheat Sheet](https://www.exai.com/blog/http-status-codes-cheat-sheet) - [A Complete Guide and List of HTTP Status Codes](https://kinsta.com/blog/http-status-codes/) - [httpstatus – 檢查網址重定向路徑、請求標頭與 HTTP 狀態代碼](https://techmoon.xyz/httpstatus/...
When dangling with HTTP errors, a cheat sheet can come in handy for figuring out which HTTP error you’re dealing with and what it really means. .As a primer, any HTTP status code in the form of 2XX is not erroneous, instead, it indicates a successful request and response. We can sa...
OWASP: HTTP Security Response Headers Cheat Sheet - A guide to security-related HTTP headers and their configurations. These resources should cover everything you need to know about HTTP requests/responses, URL syntax, and headers. If you have any more questions or n...
Status codes are expressed through 3-digit numbers, plus a short description.The first digit of the number identifies the response group.There are 5 groups:1xx: informational response - indicates that the request was received and understood 2xx: successful response - indicates the action requested...