utl_err :=utl_http.get_detailed_sqlerrm;END; 参考: Oracle 通过UTL_HTTP 发送http请求并处理发送内容中包含空格和特殊字符的问题 utl_http request and response stops when > 32k
在其它服务器脚本语言中熟悉的 Request、Response(THttpRequest、THttpReply) 在 IntraWeb 中算是幕后英雄了, 用户基本不需要直接操作它们了. IW 默认 Post 传值(WebApplication.Request.HttpMethod = hmPost, 只读), 但像表单字段之类, 在 IW 中直接根据控件名称读取就是了, 用不着麻烦 Request. 但如果需要, 可...
在其它服务器脚本语言中熟悉的 Request、Response(THttpRequest、THttpReply) 在 IntraWeb 中算是幕后英雄了, 用户基本不需要直接操作它们了. IW 默认 Post 传值(WebApplication.Request.HttpMethod = hmPost, 只读), 但像表单字段之类, 在 IW 中直接根据控件名称读取就是了, 用不着麻烦 Request. 但如果需要, 可...
消息类型(msgtype):消息类型――请求(request)或回应(response)。如果没有给出,版本可以从其主体的第一行中得到。 编码考虑(Encoding considerations):只允许用"7bit", "8bit",或"binary"。 安全考虑(Security considerations): none B. 容错应用(Tolerant Applications) 虽然此文档指明了产生HTTP/1.0消息的必要...
postgREST 可以根据数据库的 infoschema,掌握详细的 metadata,并用这些 metadata 来验证 API 的输入,也就是 Request,如果验证通过,会根据 Request 生成相应的 SQL 查询,然后把结果序列化成客户端需要的结构,以 Response 返回。举个例子,对于这样一个 API 请求:GET /people?age=gte.18&student=is.true,postgREST...
While responses can contain an error code in XML or other format, client programs can quickly and more easily understand an HTTP response status code. The HTTP specification defines several status codes that are typically understood by clients. Procedure To read a specific request header, add a ...
localprocedurePatchRequest(json:Text) ResponseText:TextvarClient:HttpClient; Content:HttpContent; ContentHeaders:HttpHeaders; RequestMessage:HttpRequestMessage; Response:HttpResponseMessage; IsSuccessful:Boolean;beginContent.GetHeaders(ContentHeaders);ifContentHeaders.Contains('Content-Type')thenCon...
If the number of offline detection packets (ARP packets) exceeds the default CAR value, the detection fails and the users are logged out(Thedisplay cpu-defend statisticscommand can be run to check whether ARP request and response packets are lost.). To resolve the problem, the following method...
The RESTCONF server parses and processes the request packet, and sends a response packet to the HTTP server. The HTTP server encapsulates the response packet in HTTP format and sends it to the RESTCONF client. Procedure Enter the system view. system-view Enter the AAA view. aaa Configure ...
httpResponse (Variable type) HTTPSend (Function) HTTP functions HTTPSimulateNetwork (Function) REST Webservice: Creating a REST Webservice SOAPToHTTP (Function) httpRequest (Variable type) In french: httpRequête The httpRequest type is used to retrieve the advanced characteristics of an HTTP/HTTPS...