postman请求出现socket hang up 4.6.7,7.4,centos7 相关代码 public function onManagerStart() { if (self::$daemonize) { Process::daemon(); } $pool->set(['enable_coroutine' => true]); $pool->on('WorkerStart', [$this, 'onWorkerStart']); $pool->start(); return true; } public funct...
socket hang up是说你能连上对方,但对方没有在规定时间内结束通信。可能是你的网不好,也可能是对方服务器写的不好。你的程序里处理这个错误的时候可以等一段时间重试
Hello! And first of all, thanks for your project, it's really efficient! My issue is that sometimes (mostly when I run cypress on the proxy), I've got this: /node_modules/http-proxy/lib/http-proxy/index.js:120 throw err; ^ Error: socket ...
http proxy error:Error: socket hang up 17:12:17 at connResetException (node:internal/errors:711:14) at Socket.socketCloseListener (node:_http_client:467:25) at Socket.emit (node:events:525:35) at TCP.<anonymous>(node:net:313:12) { timestamp: true, error: Error: socket hang up at...
http调用和命令行调用均报错:"socket hang up" ふゑル2019-01-2614067浏览问题模块: Bug反馈用命令行和http提交代码,开始的时候可正常上传,无意间重复提交上传了一次,之后就好像被锁了一样,一直无法调用,每次都报: "Error: socket hang up at createHangUpError (_http_client.js:345:15) at Socket.socket...
上传云函数失败,Error: socket hang up是怎么回事? 调用分帐接口返回Error: socket hang up http调用和命令行调用均报错:"socket hang up" 小程序预览上传报错socket hang up wx.downloadFile不可用 fail Error: socket hang up? 相关文档 Set up the line interface: Mini Program/Development/Extended/Ride Code...
express下面有很好用的http-proxy-middleware, 但是koa并没有, koa官方推荐的是koa-proxies 和koa-better-http-proxy, 自己搜索发现 koa-proxy下载量和star都还要高一些, 于是自己就开始挨个试试, 均失败. 开始怀疑是版本问题, 查看均是支持的, 而且debug确实执行了请求发送, debug进入源码发现 Socket hang up. ...
Handles 'socket hang up' exception when an HTTP request last more than 2 minutes'. Latest version: 1.0.1, last published: 9 years ago. Start using http-socket-hang-up in your project by running `npm i http-socket-hang-up`. There are no other projects in
使用代理node-http-proxy代理,然而get请求正常,而到了POST请求和PUT请求则代理超时,甚至报错为socket hang up。 原因 使用了express中有个中间件为body-parser,不知道干嘛的。 解决 注释此中间件,即可运行正常 参考:
给定一个超时为10秒的NodeJS http服务器: const httpServer = require('http').createServer(app); httpServer.timeout = 10 * 1000; 在超时时,Postman在没有任何响应代码的情况下显示以下内容: Error: socket hang up Warning: This request did not get sent completely and might not have all the require...