port-number:HTTPS服务的端口号,取值范围为1~65535。 【使用指导】 如果修改端口号前HTTPS服务是开启的,则修改端口号后系统会自动重启HTTPS服务,正在访问的用户将被断开,用户需要在浏览器的地址栏中重新输入新的地址后才可以继续访问。 【举例】 # 配置HTTPS服务的端口号为8080。
# 配置用户自定义的、能够触发Portal重定向的HTTP报文目的端口号为8080。 <HUAWEI>system-view[HUAWEI]portal redirect-http-port 8080 翻译 收藏 下载文档 更新时间:2021-11-18 文档编号:EDOC1100096314 浏览量:1634253 下载量:1968 平均得分: 0.0 分
portal http-proxy-redirect enable[portport-number] undo portal http-proxy-redirect enable[portport-number] 参数说明 参数参数说明取值 portport-number 指定HTTP代理功能使用的端口号。 不指定该参数时,使用8080,3128两个端口。 1~65535,缺省值为8080,3128。
ip http port port-number Example: Router(config)# ip http port 8080 (Optional) Specifies the server port that should be used for HTTP communication (for example, for the Cisco web browser user interface). Step 6 ip http path url Example: Router(config)# ip http path slot1: ...
http默认端口号为80,但是你也可以改为8080端口或者其他端口。 http 三点注意事项 http是无连接:无连接的含义是限制每次连接只处理一个情求。服务器处理完客户请求,并收到客户的应答后,即断开连接。采用这种方式可以节省传输时间。 http是媒体独立的:这意味着,只要客户端和服务器知道如何处理的数据内容,任何类型的...
ip http portport-number 必选 缺省情况下,HTTP服务的端口号为80 如果重复执行ip http port命令,HTTP服务将使用最后一次配置的端口号。 1.4 配置HTTP服务与ACL关联 通过将HTTP服务与ACL关联,可以过滤掉来自某些客户端的请求,只允许通过ACL过滤的客户端访问设备。
ip http port port-number Example: Device(config)# ip http port 8080 (Optional) Specifies the server port that should be used for HTTP/HTTPS communication (for example, for the Cisco web browser user interface). Step 7 ip http path url Example: Device(co...
Elapsed time = 240.5298169 sec 2020-11-19T16:23:27.970Z ERROR - Container X didn't respond to HTTP pings on port: 8080, failing site start. See container logs for debugging. 2020-11-19T16:23:27.980Z INFO - Stopping site X because it failed during startup. Kind regards, ...
Each is a semicolon-delimited list of port values, as shown in the following example: Copy ASPNETCORE_HTTP_PORTS=80;8080 ASPNETCORE_HTTPS_PORTS=443;8081 The preceding example is shorthand for the following configuration, which specifies the scheme (HTTP or HTTPS) and any host or IP. ...
Theserver'sdefaultport number is8080, however, there are a number of ways in which the expected value can change: A different port number was specified during installation. A previous installation exists. If the specified port number is already taken by another application when the server is sta...