HTTP Parameter Pollution, as implied by the name, pollutes the HTTP parameters of a web application in order to perform or achieve a specific malicious task/attack different from the intended behavior of the web application. This hacking technique is considered to be simple, but quite effective. ...
You might recall when it comes toHTTP parameter pollutionthat PHP takes the last occurrence of a parameter as the actual value. So in the above examples account_id would be overwritten with "456". With cookies it works the other way round; so the first occurrence of the variable takes pref...
The reCAPTCHA bypass requires an HTTP parameter pollution in the web application. This requirement greatly reduced the severity of this vulnerability report when triaged by Google. An example vulnerable web application would look likethis: private String sendPost(String CaptchaResponse, String Secret) th...
(XXE) */ Configuration issues: Man-in-the-Middle, cross-domain policy file, information disclosures,... */ HTTP parameter pollution and HTTP response splitting */ Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks */ HTML5 ClickJacking, Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) and web storage issues */ Unvalidated...
http-proxy-middleware The one-liner node.js proxy middleware for connect, express, next.js and more chimurai •3.0.3•4 months ago•4,176dependents•MITpublished version3.0.3,4 months ago4176dependentslicensed under $MIT 57,449,272 ...
Similar attack is also possible on ASP applications where the form element is of the form described earlier and if it is submitted over 'GET'. Like ASP.NET application a trailing comma is introduced here as well. A more detailed description of HTTP Parameter Pollution on ASP and ASP.NET app...
. Accepting these different behaviors represented a security concern when httpd participates in any chain of proxies or interacts with back-end application servers, either through mod_proxy or using conventional CGI mechanisms, and may result in request smuggling, response splitting and cache pollution....
Yet rapid population growth, the introduction of modern fishing equipment, the widespread use of agrochemicals, and largely unregulated domestic pollution has greatly impacted the Mekong's ability to support the millions of people who live along its banks. A River's Tail is a year-long ...
a Great changes have taken place here. You can see tall buildings, big department stores and factories everywhere. Different kinds of cars and buses are running in the big streets. But with the development of the industry, we have fewer trees. Air and water pollution is becoming more and mo...
I am onboard that we have or can have pollution problems with plastics, but it is not that simple (and proof of climate change?) – legal challenges and issues of proof v. speculation exist – for example, liability for which alleged unlawful act(s) against which specific businesses, ...