http parse user-agent enable命令用来使能User-Agent字段信息提取功能。 undo http parse user-agent enable命令用来去使能User-Agent字段信息提取功能。 缺省情况下,User-Agent字段信息提取功能处于未使能状态。 命令格式 http parse user-agent enable undo http parse user-agent enable ...
The http parse user-agent enable command enables the function of extracting User-Agent field information. The undo http parse user-agent enable command disables the function of extracting User-Agent field information. By default, the function of extracting User-Agent field information is disabled. Fo...
UserAgent is a Go library that parses HTTP User Agents. As an example: 译文:UserAgent是解析HTTP用户代理的Go语言库 文档 安装 go get 1. 示例 packagemainimport("fmt""github....
平台 故障排除 资源 仪表板 此主题的部分內容可能由机器或 AI 翻译。 消除警报 版本 Windows 10 Build 19041 Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives Windows.UI.Xaml.Core.Direct Windows.UI.Xaml.Data Windows.UI.Xaml.Documents Windows.UI.Xaml.Hosting
Name 取得權杖,表示要用於 User-Agent HTTP 標頭的產品名稱。 Version 取得權杖,表示要用於 User-Agent HTTP 標頭的產品版本。 方法 展開表格 Parse(String) 將字串轉換為 HttpProductHeaderValue 實例。 ToString() 會傳回代表目前 HttpProductHeaderValue 物件的字串。 TryParse(String, HttpProductHeaderValue) ...
User 字段表示 URL 中的用户名和密码信息,是一个指向 url.Userinfo 类型的指针。可以通过 url.User 来获取或设置该字段的值。 Host 字段表示 URL 的主机部分,可以包含主机名和端口号。可以通过 url.Host 来获取或设置该字段的值。 Path 字段表示 URL 的路径部分,如 /path/to/resource。可以通过 url.Path 来...
In addition, the socks5 agent also integrates external HTTP API authentication. We can specify an http url interface address with the --auth-url parameter. Then when there is a user connection, the proxy will request the url in GET mode, with the following three parameters. If the HTTP ...
In addition, the socks5 agent also integrates external HTTP API authentication. We can specify an http url interface address with the --auth-url parameter. Then when there is a user connection, the proxy will request the url in GET mode, with the following three parameters. If the HTTP ...
205Reset contentThe server has fulfilled the request and desires that the user agent reset the "document view", which caused the request to be sent, to its original state as received from the origin server. 206Partial contentThe server is successfully fulfilling a range request for the...
205 Reset content The server has fulfilled the request and desires that the user agent reset the "document view", which caused the request to be sent, to its original state as received from the origin server. 206 Partial content The server is successfully fulfilling a range request ...