Scanning with authentication(or gray box testing) is a penetration testing method that allows you tosimulate an attack carried out by a hacker with limited access to the target system. In the case of the HTTPCS Security Vulnerability Scanner, this means that the scanner can be used to scan ...
// see options // see also insecureHTTPParser: undefined, // default // transitional opti...
The options.har property will override the values: url, method, qs, headers, form, formData, body, json, as well as construct multipart data and read files from disk when request.postData.params[].fileName is present without a matching value. A validation step will check if the HAR Reques...
SSL/TLS Compression Algorithm Information Leakage Vulnerability SSTP VPN All of a sudden won't connect SSTP VPN but no internet access? SSTP VPN Error SSTP VPN: no connection on 443 port Startup items are not enabled on this system steps to remove scp from ADSI edit Stop and disable IIS si...
This release of wolfSSL fixes 1 low level security vulnerability. Low level fix for a potential DoS attack on a wolfSSL client. Previously a client would accept many warning alert messages without a limit. This fix puts a limit to the number of warning alert messages received and if this lim...
This method may only be called after the entire HTTP response body has been read. New: Upgrade to Okio 1.17.3. If you're on Kotlin-friendly Okio 2.x this release requires 2.2.2 or newer. implementation("com.squareup.okio:okio:1.17.3") Fix: Don't miss cancels when sending HTTP/2...
没有帐户?立即创建一个! 下一个 登录选项
HashDOS vulnerability fix As a workaround to the HashDOS vulnerability, the decoder limits the maximum number of decoded key-value parameter pairs, up to 1024 by default, and you can configure it when you construct the decoder by passing an additional integer parameter.[中]将HTTP查询字符串拆分...
在Apache 2.1及更高版本中,x509还可能包含数字_n后缀。如果所讨论的DN包含多个具有相同名称的属性,则将该后缀用作从零开始的索引来选择特定属性。例如,服务器证书主题DN包含两个OU属性,SSL_SERVER_S_DN_OU_0并可SSL_SERVER_S_DN_OU_1用于引用每个属性。没有_n后缀的变量名相当于带有_0后缀的名字;第一个(...
Ignoring such header fields would increase the server's vulnerability to request smuggling attacks (Section 11.2 of [HTTP/1.1]). A client MAY discard or truncate received field lines that are larger than the client wishes to process if the field semantics are such that the dropped value(s) ...