这就需要用到NAT ALG DNS功能。CISCO实现从官网提供的资料看到,CISCO实现这一功能的命令是在全局配置模式下执行ip nat service dns,但是我们没有找到合适的环境做这个实验,所以案例就不贴出来,可以肯定的是CISCO设备是支持此功能的,只需要在常规NAT配置的基础上,添加全局配置命令ip nat service dns就可以了。如果成...
3.4 通过该实验产生新的疑问及解答 可能是Cisco Packet Tracer软件版本问题,http头部被隐藏了,只能看到一点内容,解决方法还在查找。
查看 为交换机配置管理IP 以下为计算机的操作思科pc怎么访问服务器http:用IE浏览器,地址栏输入交换机的IP并回车 web console里面下载并安装java plug-in 这就行了。 打开Cisco Packet Tracer,点击【终端设备】,选择一台电脑和服务器,按住鼠标左键拖动到工作区。用一台服务器和终端电脑相连接,之间采用交叉线。现在...
为了检查PBR是否工作,您可以使用Packet Tracer工具确保通过PBR路由应用流量。 firepower# packet-tracer input insIDE tcp 54352 'PUBLIC-IP-ADDRESS-FOR-WEBEX' $---[Output omitted]---Phase: 3Type: PBR-LOOKUPSubtype: policy-routeResult: ALLOWConfig:route-map FMC_GENERATED_PBR_16948854023...
I reach the http://cisco.com, but the welcome message on the home site is slightly different than answers in the quiz.Answers in the quiz are: You made it! Your wireless configuration works. Way to go! Awesome! Packet Tracer is cool! And the response I receive is: C...
Real HTTP server API in Packet Tracer 8.2 Packet Tracer 7.2 introduced the capability to create a real HTTP server accessible from the outside of the Packet Tracer emulation environment. This capability is only available on the SBC IoT device. ...
ppp pap sent-username ccna password cisco 二、PAP双向认证方式: Router0: 全局模式:username ccna password cisco *创建用户名密码 se0/3/0接口模式:encapsulation ppp *封装协议 ppp authentication pap *指定PAP认证方式 ppp pap sent-username ccnp password cisco *"ccnp password cisco"为 Router1路由器创建...
what is it? PacketTracer? Or real device? 0Útil Responder @andrew005 The problem is that you have two networks on the topology. when you try to access the, HTTP server, the traffic is going to FILIA_1 and not to MAIN BULDING ...
packet-tracer in inside tcp 12345 80 Phase: 1 Type: ACCESS-LIST Subtype: Result: ALLOW Config: Implicit Rule Additional Information: MAC Access list Phase: 2 Type: ROUTE-LOOKUP Subtype: input Result: ALLOW Config: Additional Information: in 255...
voorwaarden generic_shell 2738 mit dc10vanginkel closed isc dc10mattison dc10vitek m11 40hex 2840 opt ciscotorch w00os call_for Cisco6509_Reverse oryx 2879 era View 3628 29a LAW 2768 2b wiltered_fire cisco677 HNC 00other 20061101 0212advisories practices 2130 vignere 0301...