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'windows'可以通过开始——运行,输入C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts 'mac os X' 可以通过快捷键组合 Shift+Command+G 三个组合按键查找文件,并输入 Hosts 文件的所在路径:/etc/hosts 打开hosts文件,在文件下方粘贴由github下载下来的txt文件的内容,保存即可使用 请使用国际版google. 防止google本地化重定向...
To solve these problems and exploit various video silvers, we designed a parallel multimedia system architecture that supported a content-aware routing to heterogeneous personal computer (PC), operating system (OS), video servers through a HTTP-level redirection. We also developed a prototype, added...
athe generated error report contains only system info such as driver version.agp settings.graphisc frame buffer size.etc.that will be used to analyze the probiem.this report will be treated as anonymous 引起的错误报告包含仅系统信息例如司机机架缓冲器size.etc.that将用于分析probiem.this报告对待匿名...