This error code is reported if the server finds that the uploaded file already exists. Cause The uploaded file already exists. Solution Check the server for files that already exist. 2300077 No SSL CA Certificate or Access Permission Error Message Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rig...
500 - Internal Server Error 501 - Not Implemented 502 - Bad Gateway 503 - Server Unavailable 504 - Gateway Timed-Out 505 - HTTP Version not supported Top Internet API Error Codes 12001 - Out of Handles 12002 - Timeout 12003 - Extended Error 12004 - Internal Error 12005 - Invalid URL 1200... {"error":{"code":"BadArgument","message":"Multiple errors in ContactInfo data","target":"ContactInfo","details":[{"code":"NullValue","target":"PhoneNumber","message":"Phone number must not be nul...
Error in the HTTP2 framing layer. 错误描述 HTTP2层级的错误。 可能原因 服务器不支持HTTP2。 处理步骤 抓包分析、排查服务器是否支持HTTP2。 2300018 服务器返回数据不完整 错误信息 Transferred a partial file. 错误描述 服务器返回的数据不完整。 可能原因 可能与服务器实现有关 处理步骤 排查服务器...
IIS uses the following client error HTTP status codes:Táblázat kibontása CodeDescriptionNotes 400 Bad request The request couldn't be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The client shouldn't repeat the request without modifications. For more information, see Troubleshooting...
10008 Param error 参数错误 10014 Insufficient app permissions 应用的接口访问权限受限,访问的资源被禁止 20003 User does not exists 用户不存在 20033 Nonconformity 不符合条件 20606 Object already exists 记录已存在 20607 DB error, please contact the administator 数据库错误,请联系系统管理员 ...
"request" : "/statuses/update.json", "error_code" : "10006", "error" : "Source paramter (appkey) is missing." } 下面分别是系统级错误代码与服务级错误代码的详细对照表(提示:使用Ctrl+F组合键查询错误码更方便) 系统级错误代码 服务级错误代码...
The 4xx class of status code is intended for cases in which the client seems to have erred. Except when responding to a HEAD request, the server SHOULD include an entity containing an explanation of the error situation, and whether it is a temporary or permanent condition. These status cod...
if($_FILES['file']['error'] > 0){ echo "Return code: ".$_FILES['franktest']['error']."<br/>"; }else{ echo "Upload: ".$_FILES['file']['name']."<br/>"; //如果文件已经存在服务器 if(file_exists($_FILES['file']['name'])){ echo $_FILES['file']['name']." already...
5xx (Server Error): The server failed to fulfill the request. Log file locations The HTTP status code is recorded in the IIS log. IIS 7.0 and later versions put log files in the following folder by default: inetpub\logs\Logfiles This folder contains separate directories for each web...