This topic describes only module-specific error codes. For details about universal error codes, seeUniversal Error Codes. 2300001 Protocol Not Supported Error Message Unsupported protocol. Description This error code is reported if the input protocol version is not supported by the server. Cause The ...
Error code 错误代码说明 错误返回值格式 JSON { "request" : "/statuses/home_timeline.json", "error_code" : "20502", "error" : "Need you follow uid." } 错误代码对照表 常用错误代码 0/00000 Succeed 成功访问 10006 Source paramter (appkey/token) is missing 缺少source (appkey/token) 参数 ...
Check the unidentified XML elements, and then install the relevant IIS modules. HRESULT code 0x80070021 Error message: Server Error in Application "application name" HTTP Error 500.19 – Internal Server Error HRESULT: 0x80070021 Description of HRESULT ...
--> description = "Could not parse Spdy Control Frame Header." --> error_code = "1 (PROTOCOL_ERROR)" --> stream_id = 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 看到HTTP2_SESSION_RECV_INVALID_HEADER那行了吗?无效的header 就在它下面,在这个问题中,无效的header 是referrer policy,用空格代替了破折号。
405, 406, 408, 412, and 413Táblázat kibontása CodeDescriptionNotes 405.0 Method not allowed. The request is made by using an HTTP method that isn't valid. For more information, see HTTP Error 405.0. 406.0 Not acceptable. The request is made by using an Accept header that c...
(Reason = [STRING], Error = [STRING], AppType = [STRING]) Description Setting an HTTP2.0 session table failed. Parameters Parameter NameParameter Meaning Reason Failure cause: Invalid argument: Incorrect parameter Out of memory: Insufficient memory Error Error code. Common error codes are ...
(Reason = [STRING], Error = [STRING], AppType = [STRING]) Description Creating an HTTP2.0 session failed. Parameters Parameter NameParameter Meaning Reason Failure cause: Invalid argument: Incorrect parameter Out of memory: Insufficient memory Error Error code. Common error codes are as ...
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Causes of and solutions to HTTP status code 400,Object Storage Service:This topic describes the types of error messages returned with HTTP status code 400, and the common causes of and solutions to these errors.
[]}\x3C/script>', status: 500, statusText: 'Internal Server Error', headers: AxiosHeaders, config: {…}, …} stack : "AxiosError: Request failed with status code 500\n at settle (webpack-internal:///(app-pages-browser)/./node_modules/axios/lib/core/settle.js:24:12)\n at XML...