Like many other error pages on the world wide web, the 522 message is one of the HTTP status messages: while the preceding '5' indicates a server error, the following '2' indicates that the server error has occurred in conjunction with Cloudflare. Code 522 stands for'Connection timed out...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于http error 522的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及http error 522问答内容。更多http error 522相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
We now go toHTTP error codesthat may be alarming to some extent. HTTP response codes in the HTTP error 400s mean that the client is not in the capacity to complete a request. The most known among the error 400 family of Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Status Code is 404: File Not ...
问Gradle同步失败:服务器返回HTTP响应代码: 522用于URL:
520 Web Server Returned an Unknown Error 源站服务器向 Cloudflare 返回了一个空的,或者未知的,或者无法解释的响应。 521 Web Server Is Down 源站服务器无法连接。 522 Connection Timed Out Cloudflare 与源站服务器 TCP 握手过程超时。 523 Origin Is Unreachable ...
HTTP状态码(HTTP Status Code)是用以表示网页服务器HTTP响应状态的3位数字代码。它由 RFC 2616 规范定义的,并得到RFC 2518、RFC 2817、RFC 2295、RFC 2774、RFC 4918等规范扩展。所有状态码的第一个数字代表了响应的五种状态之一。 2、具体含义 1xx 消息 ...
~ Downloads⠀ 103ms java -jar BON- --inputJar SkyblockToolkit+2021.3.jar --mappingsVer 1.8.9- Exception in thread "main" Server returned HTTP response code: 522 for URL:
520 Web Server Returned an Unknown Error 源站服务器向 Cloudflare 返回了一个空的,或者未知的,或者无法解释的响应。 521 Web Server Is Down 源站服务器无法连接。 522 Connection Timed Out Cloudflare 与源站服务器 TCP 握手过程超时。 523 Origin Is Unreachable ...
520 Web Server Returned an Unknown Error 520 Web Server Returned an Unknown Error 521 Web Server Is Down The server is currently down and unable to handle the request. 522 Connection Timed Out The server timed out waiting for a response from another server it needed to access to complete the...
{ method: 'GET', retry: { calculateDelay: [Function: calculateDelay], limit: 2, methods: [ 'GET', 'PUT', 'HEAD', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE' ], statusCodes: [ 408, 413, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504, 521, 522, 524 ], errorCodes: [ 'ETIMEDOUT', 'ECONNRESET', 'EADDRINUSE...