12156 - Redirect Failed 12157 - Security Channel Error 12158 - Unable to Cache File 12159 - TCP/IP not installed 12160 - Not Redirected 12161 - Cookie Needs Confirmation 12162 - Cookie Declined 12168 - Redirect Needs Confirmation Top Additional Internet API Error Codes 12157 - Security Channel Er...
Server Error Codes 500 - Internal Server Error 501 - Not Implemented 502 - Bad Gateway 503 - Server Unavailable 504 - Gateway Timed-Out 505 - HTTP Version not supported Top Internet API Error Codes 12001 - Out of Handles 12002 - Timeout 12003 - Extended Error 12004 - Internal Error 12005 ...
* [#12157](http://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/12157): Fixed: Lost text formatting on pressing *Tab* when the [`config.tabSpaces`](http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-tabSpaces) configuration option value was greater than zero. * [#12777](http://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket...
ERROR_WINHTTP_SECURE_CERT_WRONG_USAGE 12179 Indicates that a certificate is not valid for the requested usage (equivalent toCERT_E_WRONG_USAGE). ERROR_WINHTTP_SECURE_CHANNEL_ERROR 12157 Indicates that an error occurred having to do with a secure channel (equivalent to error codes that begin wi...
收件人:Set objhttp = Server.CreateObject ("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0")个 你的问题就解决了 我试图...
Additional Internet API Error Codes 12157 - Security Channel Error 12158 - Unable To Cache File 12159 - Tcpip Not Installed 12163 - Disconnected 12164 - Server Unreachable 12165 - Proxy Server Unreachable 12166 - Bad Auto Proxy Script 12167 - Unable To Download Script ...
ERROR_WINHTTP_SECURE_CERT_WRONG_USAGE 12179 Indicates that a certificate is not valid for the requested usage (equivalent to CERT_E_WRONG_USAGE). ERROR_WINHTTP_SECURE_CHANNEL_ERROR 12157 Indicates that an error occurred having to do with a secure channel (equivalent to error codes that ...
Additional Internet API Error Codes 12157 - Security Channel Error 12158 - Unable To Cache File 12159 - Tcpip Not Installed 12163 - Disconnected 12164 - Server Unreachable 12165 - Proxy Server Unreachable 12166 - Bad Auto Proxy script 12167 - Unable To Download script ...