Since POST is meant as "append" operation, I'm not sure what to do in case the object is already there. Should I treat the request as modification request or should I return some error code (which)? My feeling is409 Conflictis the most appropriate, however, seldom seen in the wild of...
Physical filescan be used for documenting, testing, and validating HTTP requests. Physical files are stored inside your project, and GoLand will not modify them. When an HTTP request is executed from a physical file, this file is not modified. Information about the executed request with the link...
1publicvoidconnect(intconnectTimeout,intreadTimeout,intwriteTimeout,booleanconnectionRetryEnabled) {2if(protocol !=null)thrownewIllegalStateException("already connected");3//线路的选择4RouteException routeException =null;5List<ConnectionSpec> connectionSpecs =route.address().connectionSpecs();6ConnectionSpe...
For the request body, use code completion based on the data structure in the proto file. Preview the response in the lower part of the the HTTP Client tab. Send gRPC metadata Below your GRPC request, enter gRPC metadata using the following syntax: Metadata-key: Value. For example: ...
Cause: The specified tag key already exists. Solution: Call GetBucketTags to query information about the tags of the bucket, and then configure a new tag for the bucket. For more information, see PutBucketTags. InvalidHostPutBucket Your host is invalid. Please put bucket use Open Storage...
" already exists."; }else{ //移动临时文件到指定的路径,上传成功 move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'],$_FILES['file']['name']); echo "upload successed"; } } ?> 为了更清楚的说明上传的原理,我用fiddler来抓包。不熟悉fiddler的同学可以自行上网查阅相关知识。 如下图所演示: 用...
20003 User does not exists 用户不存在 20033 Nonconformity 不符合条件 20606 Object already exists 记录已存在 20607 DB error, please contact the administator 数据库错误,请联系系统管理员 21310 Signature invalid 签名值不合法 21603 Applications send notice over the restrictions 通知(短信邮件)发送达到限制 ...
404 Not found The origin server didn't find a current representation for the target resource or isn't willing to disclose that one exists. 405 Method not allowed The method received in the request-line is known by the origin server but not supported by the target resource. 406 Not...
This topic describes only module-specific error codes. For details about universal error codes, seeUniversal Error Codes. 2300001 Protocol Not Supported Error Message Unsupported protocol. Description This error code is reported if the input protocol version is not supported by the server. ...
这其中留给开发者可以用的 status code 少之又少,而实际的业务响应又会有非常多的状态,所以开发者需要一种方式来扩展 code。 这其中最直观的方式就是定义一个标准的响应结构,这个结构中有着一个自定义的code字段,它可以用来表示业务的响应状态,如下: