301 “Moved Permanently” –This is the code for a permanent redirect. It means that the URL of the requested resource is permanently replaced with a new address, and search engines should update the URL in their databases. You learn more about it from our article on 301 redirects. 302 “...
HTTP Error code304 technically means redirection. When you getHTTP Error 304 Not modifiedin a browser like Chrome, Firefox or Edge, there can be multiple reasons for it. Either the DNS has an issue or the cache is reusing already existing information to find a website or your browser is i...
This is similar to a 500 error and it usually means the server is unavailable—however, sometimes the code means it’s anexpectederror. While a 500 status code says “Hey, something went wrong with the server, but we don’t know what happened”, a 503 status code says “Hey, something...
This means that the server has received the request headers, and that the client should proceed to send the request body (in the case of a request for which a body needs to be sent; for example, aPOSTrequest). If the request body is large, sending it to a server when a request has...
304 – Not Modified 305 – Use Proxy 307 – Temporary Redirect 4xx Status Codes These areclient errors. That means something went wrong with therequest(client/user) and not the response (website/server). They include: 400 – Bad Request ...
http status code 原文 https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html http://blog.csdn.net/softwave/article/details/6201800 所有HTTP 状态代码及其定义。 代码 指示 2xx 成功 200 正常;请求已完成。 201 正常;紧接 POST 命令。 202 正常;已接受用于处理,但处理尚未完成。
304: Not Modified A 304 redirect is a type of HTTP response code that indicates that the requested resource has not been modified since the last time it was accessed by the client. It means that the server does not need to send the resource again but instead tells the client to use a ...
Typically, this HTTP status code means that the request contains invalid characters or sequences, or that the request goes against the security settings in the Http.sys file.IIS defines the following HTTP status codes that indicate a more specific cause of an error 400:...
HTTP/1.1 默认的连接方式是长连接,不能通过简单的TCP连接关闭判断HttpMessage的结束。 以下是几种判断HttpMessage结束的方式: 1. HTTP协议约定status code 为1xx,204,304的应答消息不能包含消息体(Message Body), 直接忽略掉消息实体内容。 [适用于应答消息] ...
100 — Continue: This interim status code means the server received the initial request, and the client should continue. 101 — Switching protocols: This code is a response to an Upgrade header field request and states the protocol the server will switch to. 102 — Processing: This response ...