301 Moved Permanently This response code means that the URI of the requested resource has been changed. Probably, the new URI would be given in the response. 302 Found This response code means that the URI of requested resource has been changed temporarily. New changes in the URI might be m...
这个状态码有时可以与301交换使用。例如,如果你错误的访问了http://host/~user(路径信息不完整),有些服务器就会回复301状态码而有些则回复302。从技术上说,如果最初的请求是GET浏览器只是被假定自动转向。如果想了解更多细节,请看状态码307的讨论。 303 (See Other/参见其他信息) 这个状态码和 301、302 相似,...
代表状态码302的常量是SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY而不是SC_FOUND。 状态码302是非常有用的因为浏览器自动连接在定为响应头信息中给出的新URL。这非常有用,而且为此有一个专门的方法——sendRedirect。使用response.sendRedirect(url)比调用response.setStatus(response.SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY)和response.setHeader("Location", ...
HTTP协议是Hyper Text Transfer Protocol(超文本传输协议)的缩写, HTTP是万维网(WWW:World Wide Web)的数据通信的基础。 HTTP是一个简单的请求-响应协议,它通常运行在TCP之上。它指定了客户端可能发送给服务器什么样的消息以及得到什么样的响应。 HTTP是一个基于TCP/IP通信协议来传递数据(HTML 文件, 图片文件, 查...
The “404 Not Found” code is one of many HTTP response status codes, and each has a different meaning. The common trait they all share is that they are server responses to your requests.Read further to find out more about what are HTTP status codes and what each code means....
Temporary Redirects: 302, 303, and 307 The 302, 303, and 307 status codes indicate that a resource istemporarily available under a new URL, meaning that the redirect has a limited life span and (typically) should not be cached. An example is a website that is undergoing maintenance and ...
网页打开某个网站,可以看到正常的内容,这个HTTP Status code是200,没有显示在页面上。 但是偶尔会看到整页白底,但是上面写400、403、500,或者画面比较好看的404此页面找不到等等,那这些代码是什么意思呢? 做为一个运维工程师,遇到这样的情况,你又应该怎么判断是哪里出问题了呢?
Unlike 301 or 302 codes, this will not allow a change in the HTTP Method, meaning that whichever service you were requesting to the unavailable URI, the redirect will replicate the request for the operation to be seamless.Similar topics
The 400 Bad Request status code indicates that the server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax. This error is a client-side issue, meaning the request sent by the client (a web browser, for instance) is incorrect or corrupt and the server can’t process it. ...
In this article, we will delve into the significance and meaning of various HTTP status codes across different categories. 1. Informational Responses (1xx) These status codes indicate provisional responses from the server, informing the client that the request is received and understood, and further...