504:作为网关或者代理工作的服务器尝试执行请求时,未能及时从上游服务器(URI标识出的服务器,例如HTTP、FTP、LDAP)或者辅助服务器(例如DNS)收到响应。 注意:某些代理服务器在DNS查询超时时会返回400或者500错误. 通俗的来说,nginx作为一个代理服务器,将请求转发到其他服务器或者php-cgi来处理,当nginx收到了无法理解...
Although as was already mentioned, it is also possible that your router or one of your own proxy settings is responsible for the error message. This means that as a browser user you have various options for fixing a HTTP 504 error: Option 1: Reload the desired web application In most ...
「500 Internal Server Error」:通用服务器错误消息,服务器遇到了一个无法预料的情况 「501 Not Implemented」:不支持当前请求所需的某个功能 「502 Bad Gateway」:网关执行请求时,上游服务收到无效响应 「503 Service Unavailable」:服务器临时维护或者过载 「504 Gateway Timeout」:网关超时 「505 HTTP Version Not...
and none of the range-specifier values in this field overlap the current extent of the selected resource, and the request did not include an If-Range request-header field. (For byte-ranges, this means that the first- byte-pos of all of the byte-range...
504,Gateway Timeout,网关超时。 它表示网关没有从上游及时获取响应数据。注意它和502在超时场景下的区别,502是指上游php-fpm因为超过自身允许的执行时间而不能正常生成响应数据,而504是指在php-fpm还未执行完成的某一时刻,由于超过了nginx自身的超时时间,nginx则以为上游php-fpm没有按照设置时间返回响应数据就会返回...
504,Gateway Timeout,网关超时。 它表示网关没有从上游及时获取响应数据。注意它和502在超时场景下的区别,502是指上游php-fpm因为超过自身允许的执行时间而不能正常生成响应数据,而504是指在php-fpm还未执行完成的某一时刻,由于超过了nginx自身的超时时间,nginx则以为上游php-fpm没有按照设置时间返回响应数据就会返回...
And specifically, 404 means the server couldn’t find the requested resource. Meanwhile, 402 also shows a client error. And the second and third digits tell us the server found the page but can’t access it due to a payment being required. Let’s look at the different HTTP status ...
A“400 Bad Request” error means the server cannot process the request due to client-side issues. A “404 Not Found” error, on the other hand, indicates that the server cannot find the requested resource. In short, a 400 error is about a bad request, while a 404 error is about a ...
HTTP Status-Code 504: Gateway Timeout. static intHTTP_GONE HTTP Status-Code 410: Gone. static intHTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR HTTP Status-Code 500: Internal Server Error. static intHTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED HTTP Status-Code 411: Length Required. static intHTTP_MOVED_PERM ...
Generally 504 means "Gateway Timeout" and is caused when a server (often a proxy or the API server) is not able to get a response from other servers (in case of a proxy the response from the actual server or in case of the API server for example the data from a database) and sho...