可以通过IIS Manager - Handler Mapping,根据请求的扩展名找到相应的Handler,比如我们请求.asp文件的时候报错403.3,找到处理.asp文件的handler为ASPClassic这个handler,双击打开这个handler的Script Map - Request Restrictions - Access,可以查看该handler需要的权限。在这里为了重现403.3问题,我将需要权限...
502 Error response received from gateway. 从网关收到错误应答 503 Temporarily overloaded. 过载 504 Timed out waiting for gateway. 等待网关时请求断开 505 HTTP version not supported. 不支持HTTP的版本HTTP status codes returned by servers on the Internet. 从Internet返回的HTTP status代码(HTTP 状态字) H...
Table 11.4 HTTP 400-Class Client Error Codes Returned by IIS Status CodeCondition 400 Cannot resolve the request. 401.x Unauthorized. 403.x Forbidden. 404.x File or directory not found. 405 HTTP verb used to access this page is not allowed. ...
而在IIS中根据具体的功能对403错误通过子错误代码的形式进行了更详细的分类。 IIS 7.0 defines the following HTTP status codes that indicate a more specific cause of a 403 error: 403.1 - Execute access forbidden. 403.2 - Read access forbidden. 403.3 - Write access forbidden. 403.4 - SSL required. ...
HTTP错误报码对照表HTTP Error Codes 400 Invalid syntax. 语法问题 401 Access denied. 访问拒绝 402 Payment required. 必须完整 403 Request forbidden. 请求被禁⽌ 404 Object not found. 对象没有找到 405 Method is not allowed. ⽅法不允许 406 No response acceptable to client found. 客户端没有响应...
HTTPError实例产生后会有一个整型'code'属性,是服务器发送的相关错误号。 Error Codes错误码 因为默认的处理器处理了重定向(300以外号码),并且100-299范围的号码指示成功,所以你只能看到400-599的错误号码。 BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.response是一个很有用的应答号码字典,显示了HTTP协议使用的所有的应答...
HTTPstatus codes (the 4xx and 5xx varieties) appear when there is some kind of error loading a web page.HTTPstatus codes are standard types of errors so you could see them in any browser, like Inte perl ide chrome firefox 转载 mb611a2e88042f6 ...
HTTPError实例产生后会有一个整型'code'属性,是服务器发送的相关错误号。 Error Codes错误码 因为默认的处理器处理了重定向(300以外号码),并且100-299范围的号码指示成功,所以你只能看到400-599的错误号码。 BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.response是一个很有用的应答号码字典,显示了HTTP协议使用的所有的应答...
It’s worth noting that while the HTTP/1.0 specification introduced the 401 and 403 status codes, subsequent versions and updates to the HTTP protocol have refined and expanded upon the usage and semantics of these error codes. Conclusion about 401 vs 403 errors ...
400 – Client HTTP Error Codes 400 错误类保留用于“客户端”在其请求中出错或以其他方式发出错误请求的情况。例如例如您的 Web 浏览器向您提供这些错误代码,以帮助您进行故障排除。幸运的是,所有主要浏览器都遵守此建议。 400 BadRequest 400 错误表明对服务器的请求错误的,由于语法错误或其他一些问题。客户端应...